Let's create a custom hook with react query.
Now we will create a component that fetches list of products with react query.
Now in Product.js component ,
const Product = () => {
const products = useProducts()
if(products.isLoading) return "Loading ....."
if(products.isError) return "Error ...."
products.map((product) => (
<h4 key={product.id}>{product.title}</h4>
Lets create a hook as useProducts.js
const useProducts = () => {
return useQuery(['products'] , getProducts)
Now if we want to fetch single data then we can pass id
const Product = () => {
const params = useParams();
const id = Number(params?.id)
const product = useProduct(id)
if(product.isLoading) return "Loading ....."
if(product.isError) return "Error ...."
const useProduct = (id) => {
return useQuery(['product' , id] , () => getProduct(id))
Now for post and edit,
const AddProduct = () => {
const mutation = useAddProduct()
const [data , setData] = useState('');
<input value={data} onChange={(e) =>
setData(e.target.value) } />
<button onClick={mutation.mutate(data)}></button>
const useAddProduct = () => {
return useMutation(postProduct , {
onSuccess : () => {
toast.success(`Added successfully`)
for edit ,
const EditProduct = () => {
const params = useParams();
const id = Number(params.id);
const mutation = useEditProduct()
const [data , setData] = useState('');
<input value={data} onChange={(e) =>
setData(e.target.value) } />
<button onClick={mutation.mutate(data , id)}></button>
const useEditProduct = () => {
return useMutation(editProduct , {
onSuccess : () => {
toast.success(`edited successfully`)
This is the best way to manage the server side data and separate the business logics with the UI components and hence anyone from outer world can check , edit and understand the code. This is the best way to work with react and only the needed component will use the data from the custom hook.
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