Here is a table of 100+ Docker commands organized by category for easy reference:
Category | Command | Description |
General Docker Commands | docker --help |
Displays Docker help and usage info. |
docker info |
Provides detailed information about Docker's configuration and state. | |
docker version |
Displays Docker's version information. | |
Container Management | docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...] |
Run a container from an image. |
docker ps |
Lists all running containers. | |
docker ps -a |
Lists all containers (running and stopped). | |
docker stop <container_name> |
Stops a running container. | |
docker start <container_name> |
Starts a stopped container. | |
docker restart <container_name> |
Restarts a container. | |
docker pause <container_name> |
Pauses a running container. | |
docker unpause <container_name> |
Resumes a paused container. | |
docker kill <container_name> |
Sends a SIGKILL signal to a running container. | |
docker rm <container_name> |
Removes a stopped container. | |
docker rename <old_name> <new_name> |
Renames a container. | |
docker exec -it <container_name> <command> |
Runs a command inside a running container. | |
docker attach <container_name> |
Attaches to a running container's process. | |
docker logs <container_name> |
Retrieves logs from a container. | |
Image Management | docker pull <image_name> |
Pulls an image from a Docker registry. |
docker build -t <image_name> <path> |
Builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile. | |
docker images |
Lists all images available locally. | |
docker rmi <image_name> |
Removes an image from the local system. | |
docker tag <image_name> <new_image_name> |
Tags an image with a new tag. | |
docker push <image_name> |
Pushes an image to a Docker registry. | |
Network Management | docker network ls |
Lists all Docker networks. |
docker network create <network_name> |
Creates a new Docker network. | |
docker network connect <network_name> <container_name> |
Connects a container to a network. | |
docker network disconnect <network_name> <container_name> |
Disconnects a container from a network. | |
docker network inspect <network_name> |
Displays detailed information about a specific network. | |
Volume Management | docker volume ls |
Lists all Docker volumes. |
docker volume create <volume_name> |
Creates a new Docker volume. | |
docker volume inspect <volume_name> |
Displays detailed information about a specific volume. | |
docker volume rm <volume_name> |
Removes a Docker volume. | |
Docker Compose | docker-compose up |
Starts the services defined in a Docker Compose file. |
docker-compose down |
Stops and removes containers defined in a Docker Compose file. | |
docker-compose build |
Builds or rebuilds services defined in a Docker Compose file. | |
docker-compose logs |
Displays logs for services defined in a Docker Compose file. | |
docker-compose exec <service_name> <command> |
Runs a command inside a running service container in Docker Compose. | |
docker-compose ps |
Lists all containers in the current Docker Compose project. | |
Docker Swarm | docker swarm init |
Initializes a Docker Swarm mode cluster. |
docker swarm join |
Joins a node to a Docker Swarm cluster. | |
docker node ls |
Lists all nodes in the Docker Swarm cluster. | |
docker service ls |
Lists all services in a Docker Swarm cluster. | |
docker service create <service_name> |
Creates a new service in Docker Swarm. | |
docker service update <service_name> |
Updates a service in Docker Swarm. | |
Docker Registry | docker login <registry_url> |
Logs into a Docker registry. |
docker logout <registry_url> |
Logs out from a Docker registry. | |
Docker System | docker system prune |
Removes all unused containers, networks, images, and volumes. |
docker system df |
Shows disk usage by Docker images, containers, and volumes. | |
docker system info |
Displays information about the Docker system. | |
Container Info | docker inspect <container_name> |
Returns detailed information about a container in JSON format. |
Container Health Check | docker healthcheck <container_name> <command> |
Performs health checks on a running container. |
Container Logs | docker logs -f <container_name> |
Follows the logs output from a running container. |
Resource Limits | docker run --memory="512m" --cpus="1.0" <image_name> |
Runs a container with memory and CPU resource limits. |
Build Cache | docker build --no-cache -t <image_name> . |
Builds a Docker image without using cache. |
Tagging Images | docker build -t <username>/<repo>:<tag> . |
Builds and tags an image with the given username, repository, and tag. |
Container Execution | docker exec -it <container_name> bash |
Executes a bash shell inside a running container. |
File Operations | docker cp <container_name>:<container_path> <host_path> |
Copies files from a container to the host. |
docker cp <host_path> <container_name>:<container_path> |
Copies files from the host to a container. | |
Build and Test | docker build --file <Dockerfile> . |
Builds a Docker image using a specified Dockerfile. |
Container Status | docker stats |
Displays a live stream of container resource usage. |
Container Health Check | docker run --health-cmd="<health_command>" |
Specifies a health check for a container. |
Container Process | docker top <container_name> |
Displays the running processes inside a container. |
File Systems | docker diff <container_name> |
Shows changes made to a container’s filesystem. |
Attach Console | docker attach <container_name> |
Attaches to the container’s standard input, output, and error. |
Exporting and Importing | docker export <container_name> > <file_name>.tar |
Exports a container's filesystem to a tarball. |
docker import <file_name>.tar |
Imports a tarball as a new image. | |
Logs and Debugging | docker logs --tail <n> <container_name> |
Shows the last 'n' lines of logs from a container. |
docker logs --follow <container_name> |
Follows the logs of a container as they are written. | |
Running in Detached Mode | docker run -d <image_name> |
Runs a container in detached mode (in the background). |
Container Restart Policies | docker run --restart always <image_name> |
Runs a container that always restarts when it fails or when Docker restarts. |
Resource Limits | docker run --memory=2g --cpus="2.0" <image_name> |
Runs a container with memory and CPU resource limits. |
Check Dependencies | docker inspect --format '{{.State.Health.Status}}' <container_name> |
Checks the health status of a container. |
Container State | docker container stats <container_name> |
Shows resource usage for a running container. |
Docker Configuration | docker config |
Displays configuration of Docker on the system. |
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