I needed to create a pretty printing JMS Serializer for a unit test, and couldn't find a good example. So here's one for the next person.
Note: If doing this application wide I'd recommend using the config instead, as specified here http://jmsyst.com/bundles/JMSSerializerBundle/master/configuration#extension-reference
private function createPrettyPrintingJsonSerializer(): Serializer
$builder = SerializerBuilder::create();
(new JsonSerializationVisitorFactory())->setOptions(JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)
return $builder->build();
public function testUsingTheSerializer(): void
$serializer = $this->createPrettyPrintingJsonSerializer();
$data = [
'a' => 't1',
'b' => 't2',
print($serializer->serialize($data, 'json'));
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