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bin vs scripts in package.json

So you're deep in your Node.js project, and you're looking at package.json, trying to figure out when to use "bin" and when to use "scripts". Let's break it down, 'cause honestly, this is one of those things that gets overlooked until you hit a problem.

The "bin" Field

The "bin" field is all about global accessibility. You define commands here that users can run directly from their terminal after installing your package. Think of it like this: when you install a tool like eslint globally (npm install -g eslint), the eslint command is ready for you to use right from the terminal, no need for extra steps. That’s the magic of "bin".

Here's a simple setup:

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Now, once installed globally, users can just type my-tool in the terminal. Boom, it runs. No need to hunt down files or directories. You’re basically creating a shortcut, and npm sets it up for you automatically. This is perfect when you want to create a CLI tool that people can use on their system, globally.

The "scripts" Field

Now, "scripts"? That's more about local tasks. This is where you define commands you run within your project. Want to bundle your app with Webpack or run your tests? Pop it into "scripts", and npm will handle it when you type npm run <script-name>.

For example:

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Run npm run build, and it’ll execute whatever you’ve set up. It’s super convenient for automating tasks specific to your project. The key here is that these scripts are project-specific; they won’t be available globally like commands in "bin".

The Main Difference?

Think of "bin" as the place where you set up global commands for users to run from anywhere. "scripts" is for local tasks that you, the developer, use inside your project. Both are super useful, but for different purposes.

So next time you’re adding something to your package.json, ask yourself: Do I want users to be able to run this anywhere, or is this just for the project? That’ll help you decide between "bin" and "scripts".

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