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Export vs Main in package.json

Exports vs Main in package.json

Main field: This is the older way to define the entry point of a package. When you require or import a package, Node.js looks at main to know which file to load. It’s straightforward but doesn’t support modern JavaScript module systems like ESM.

Exports field: This was added in Node.js 12+ and is much more flexible. With exports, you can control exactly which files are accessible when someone imports your package. It supports different formats like ESM and CommonJS and even allows you to expose specific files.


Flexibility: exports is more powerful and customizable, while main is simpler but limited.

Modules: exports works with both ESM and CommonJS, but main doesn’t handle both.

Priority: If both are used, exports takes priority over main.

Best Practice:

Use exports for better control and modern compatibility. Keep main only if you need to support older system.

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