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Raymond Ottun
Raymond Ottun

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Let’s prototype a GraphQL API with Zero code

Your Profile : Frontend developer

Problem : Your company is developing a Trello clone to augment its existing product line


  • Develop a new Trello-like schema functionality
  • Use existing user base as members for the functionality


  • A GraphQL API with schema agreed with the backend developers
  • Use whatever frontend you fancy


  • The backend API is not ready yet but you want to crack on with the UI bits
  • You can get a small dump of existing user data as a JSON file

Solution: You want to mock the schema with minimal potential changes to your UI code in the future. graphql-sample can help solve that problem. graphql-sample is a GraphQL sample data server that can generate mock data for a given schema and a simple CRUD API with zero code.

We shall use graphql-sample to aid us in prototyping the API before backend API is ready.

Here is the agreed entity relationship as agreed in the tech sessions with the stake holders

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Lets create a folder called trello

mkdir trello
cd trello
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and create a file called schema.graphql in the trello folder

touch schema.graphql
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Let’s load the users information first. graphql-sample auto loads any CSV and JSON files in the same directory and can then be referenced from the schema.

Let's copy the users.json file into the trello folder. A sample user looks like

    "UserId": 1,
    "FirstName": "Luís",
    "LastName": "Gonçalves",
    "Email": ""
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and we can easily map that to our GraphQL schema like this

type Member @datasource(name: "users") {
  userid: Int @unique @named(as: "UserId")
  name: String @named(as: "FirstName")
  email: String @named(as: "Email")
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Let’s test our new schema by Firing up graphql-sample in the trello folder. This will start a server on localhost on port 8080

npx graphql-sample
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now visit http://localhost:8080/graphql to see the playground or you can use http://localhost:8080/graphql in your application code to make direct POST requests.

Now we can run an initial query to fetch some users

query sampleMembers {
findMembers(limit: 2) {
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and we should see some user data already coming through

Now onto modelling our Board and attaching it to our members

type Member @datasource(name: "users") {
  userid: Int @unique @named(as: "UserId")
  name: String @named(as: "FirstName")
  email: String @named(as: "Email")

  # create a relationship between a member and their boards
  boards: [Board] @relation

type Board {
  id: ID
  name: String @named(as: "lorem_word")

  # create a relationship between a board and it's owner
  owner: Member @relation
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Now we can query boards and see it's owner

query someBoards {
 findBoards(limit: 3) {
    owner {
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or query a member and retrieve the boards they have created

query myBoards {
  findMembers(where: {email:{eq:""}}) {
    boards {
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Now lets create some board memberships. Since boards can have members who are not owners

type Member @datasource(name: "users") {
  userid: Int @unique @named(as: "UserId")
  name: String @named(as: "FirstName")
  email: String @named(as: "Email")

  boards: [Board] @relation
  memberships: [BoardMembership] @relation

type Board {
  id: ID
  name: String @named(as: "lorem_word")
  owner: Member @relation
  members: [BoardMembership] @relation

type BoardMembership {
  id: ID
  board: Board @relation
  member: Member @relation
  created_at: String @named(as: "date_recent")
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Now we can query board memberships

query myBoards {
  findMembers(where: { email:{ eq: "" }}) 
    boards {

    memberships {
      board {
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and we can continue to build up the API as we build UI.

see the full schema here

graphql-sample generates a full CRUD API, so you can create new boards like this

mutation {
  createBoards(data: [
      id: 1020,
      name: "Sample Board",
      limitations: [
          id: 2,
          status: warn
          disableAt: 233
          warnAt: 400
  ]) {
    boards {
      limitations {

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Wonderful, now as a frontend developer, you can now carry on developing your UI before the backend APIs are ready.A simple modification might be required to the schema/operations before you go into production but that should be minor.

Hope this was a useful exercise.

[Disclaimer] I am the author of graphql-sample

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