It's cool to contribute uncompensated time and energy into an open source effort, but it's also cool to get something for your efforts and share in a common success.
This is a chance to templatize your design and development tactics/strategies into a reusable asset for the DevOps community to leverage!
Your work will become part of a growing library of open source tech stack packages offered by realMethods. Developers use these stacks to generate model-driven DevOps projects using Project-as-Code declarative YAML. These projects include all source/build/test/CI/Docker/Terraform files.
Specific areas of immediate interest include:
- Java (Spring, Struts2)
- AWS Lambda (Java, NodeJS, Python, C#)
- Apollo GraphQL
- Angular
- Ruby (RAILS)
- Python (DJango)
- Vue
- React
- Swift
- C/C++
- ASP.NET (C#)
Check out the existing tech stack packages here.
Look here for an example of generated output.
Thanks in advance!
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