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How I Started Learning to Code for free!

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Introduction :

Hi, I am Rehan Shaikh I am learning how to code here i will share my experience and help you to learn to code for Free

Why to Learn Coding :

The benefits of learning to code can be surprisingly wide-ranging. Here are a few of the ways learning to code can benefit you:

  • Coding and programming careers have great earning potential Take a look at the BLS’ 2019 median annual salary information for these coding and programming-related professions:1
  1. Web developers: $73,760
  2. administrators: $83,510
  3. Computer programmers: $86,550
  4. Database administrators: $93,750
  5. Software developers: $107,510
  • Demand remains strong for coding-related jobs: Here are the current BLS projections for employment growth in the same coding and programming-related professions:
  1. Web developers: 13%
  2. Network and computer systems
  3. administrators: 5%
  4. Computer programmers: -7%
  5. Database administrators: 9%
  6. Software developers: 6%

From Where to Start :

Coding or programming is a vast industry there a dozen of programming languagDemand remains strong for coding-related jobses, technologies, frameworks, etc.

Select a language there are a lot of languages you have to not learn all of them and every language has its own set of rules and specialities.

Some common languages people start with:

  1. Python:
    Python’s readability makes it easy for beginners to learn. It’s also an open-source programming language that has a wide range of support modules and can be easily integrated with web services. Its data structures are user-friendly and have GUI-based desktop applications.

  2. Java:
    Another popular programming language used today is Java. It’s a general-purpose programming language that has quickly become a standard for applications, regardless of the platform. This is possible because of its Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) capabilities.

  3. Javascript:
    JavaScript is a high-level programming language and one of the foundations in the development of the World Wide Web. The majority of websites use JavaScript as client-side programming, and it has become key in server-side website deployments and non-web browser applications today.

  4. PHP:
    Created in 1990, PHP is an open-source programming language that’s considered an essential to many web developers. This is because PHP is used to build the majority of websites on the Internet (more than 80%), including Yahoo and Facebook

  5. Swift:
    Swift is an open-source programming language that’s easy to learn. When compared to other programming languages, Swift requires fewer coding skills and can be used with IBM Swift Sandbox and IBM Bluemix. Swift is also used in various iOS apps like SoundCloud, WordPress, and the game Flappy Bird.

  6. SQL
    SQL stands for Structured Query Language and allows communication with databases, managing all the data. SQL allows programmers to work with data.

  7. C++
    C++ is more of an updated version of C. For some developers, this means they can forgo learning C altogether and simply jump to learning C++. Others choose to learn C so that they have a better foundation for C++.

  8. C#
    SQL stands for Structured Query Language and allows communication with databases, managing all the data. SQL allows programmers to work with data.

  9. Go
    Go was developed in 2007 by Google for APIs and web applications. Its ease of use and syntax familiarity have been reasons behind its success. Go can also handle multicore systems and massive codebases.

And more.when you have chosen language to Learn start from basics.

Starting to learn:

Now you have to Start learning your chosen language.websites I prefer for learning to code for free are as follows for specific languages: [For python]:

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This website is having advantages over any free websites for learning python like:

  • Hands-on coding environments

  • amazing syllabus

  • easy to understand language and community support

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Here is the link for free course at -


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For learning Java, PHP, JavaScript, C#, C±+ is an amazing website to learn these languages for free

Here you will be getting hands on coding playground, Tests, projects, Quizzes, and much more


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Link for free Java course at codecademy-


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Link for the JavaScript free course at Codecademy -


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Link for PHP free course at codecademy -

And many more languages.

Odin project:

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Odin project is a free and open source source project which is helping people to learn
front-end-devlopment and much more:

  • Awesome contributions

  • Learn from a curriculum with the best curated online tutorials, blogs, and courses.

  • Build dozens of portfolio-worthy projects along the way, from simple scripts to full programs and deployed websites.

  • You’re not alone. Learn and get help from our friendly community of beginner and experienced developers.

Foundation couse-

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A hands-on introduction to all of the essential tools you'll need to build real, working websites. You'll learn what web developers actually do – the foundations you'll need for later courses.

Link to their foundation course -


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Exercism is an independent, community funded, not-for-profit organisation

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Learn by doing. Get better at programming through fun coding exercises that build your understanding of concepts.

Their C++ course:

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Learn C++ with their awesome learning tracks and exercises to
Improve your programing skills.

Link to their free C++ course -

Learning Further:

After learning all the basics of languages you should further learn frameworks of languages some important frameworks are listed below:

Python frameworks:

1. Django:

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Django is a web application framework written in Python programming language. It is based on MVT (Model View Template) design pattern. The Django is very demanding due to its rapid development feature. It takes less time to build application after collecting client requirement.

Its also free and open source its having amazing tutorials online and their documentation is awesome

Link to their documentation -

Also watch tech with Tim's awesome Django for beginners -

2. Pygame:
Pygame is a cross-platform set of Python modules designed for writing video games. It includes computer graphics and sound libraries designed to be used with the Python programming language.

This is python's best framework according to me you can create some small games in python to practice some python, it is full of fun you should definitely try it.

Link to pygame documentation -

Link to Tech with Tim's awesome pygame Playlist -

And more.

Java frameworks:

1. Spring:

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Spring is a very lightweight implementation of the Java framework, usable for pretty much any type of Java project. It’s a modular framework that you could use for any level or layer of a project. What makes it stick out is the fact that you can use it to work on not just one layer of a project but also the entire scope.

Official website and documentation -

*2. Hibernate: *

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Hibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework that makes common data handling mismatch cases a thing of the past. If you’re always working with relational databases, the Hibernate ORM framework could easily become your staple.

Advantages to using Hibernate include the following:

  • There’s a capability for strong data manipulation with little coding.

  • It’s perfect for OOP-type projects that require high productivity and portability at the same time.

  • Hibernate is open source. It won’t hurt your wallet to give it try on your next project.

3. GWT (Google Web Toolkit):

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As can be expected from a Google product, GWT is open source. The main reason many developers’ work starts with GWT is that it’s easy to make beautiful UIs with little knowledge of front-end scripting languages. It basically turns Java code into browser-friendly packages.

Web apps such as Blogger, Google Analytics, and Google Adsense are all built using Java with the GWT framework. It’s fully featured and supported by a large group of developers dedicated to the framework, making it perfect for scale-sensitive application development.

Link for their website and documentation -

JavaScript framework:


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React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on UI components. It is maintained by Meta and a community of individual developers and companies. Wikipedia.

Build encapsulated components that manage their own state, then compose them to make complex UIs.

Since component logic is written in JavaScript instead of templates, you can easily pass rich data through your app and keep state out of the DOM.

Link to their website and tutorials -

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