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TOP project: Library - Understanding errors

This project has been a good exercise in how to connect the dots for everything I've been building towards up till this point. Oddly enough I felt more comfortable working with the objects/arrays than I did with the DOM. I had to reacquaint myself with some of the appropriate syntax. Specifically, using 'querySelector' instead of 'getElementsByClassName' when trying to access one element.
Code snippet
ChatGPT was a big help when it came to explaining why I was getting an error when using 'getElementsByClassName'. I would've eventually figured out by spending the time going through google posts and refreshing my DOM knowledge but this definitely saved me a lot of time.

I don't like to use ChatGPT for most things I do in coding. Simply because I don't think it is always conducive to learning if I am always being given the answer instead of working it out myself. In this example, I was very happy to have the resource as it gave me exactly what I needed, nothing more and allowed me to continue.

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