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Rhythm Saha
Rhythm Saha

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Data types in python

Today we are goint to discuss about the basic datatypes in python
lets discuss

What is Data type

Data types are the classification or categorization of data items. It represents the kind of value that tells what operations can be performed on a particular data.

What are the basic datatypes in python ?

  • int
  • float
  • string
  • boolean

Int is type of integer numbers without decimal points, it can be less than or greter than orequal to zero.

if we declare a variable with integer values its type will be int,

a = 10;
b = 20;

#type of a and b is int
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float is type of numbers with decimal points, it can be less than or greter than orequal to zero.

if we assign a number with decimal points to a variable, its type will be float,

a = 10.5;
b = 20.4;
c = 3.14

#type of a and b and c is float
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string is type of sentences or phrase declared and wrapped within single or double quotes. When we display a text with the print() function the output itself is a string.

a = "hello world"
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here the type of a is string.

a string is a sequence of characters, we can calculate the total number of characters present in a string.
to calculate the total characters present in a string python has a built-in function len()

total_Characters = len("hello world")
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output: 11
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We can pull out specific character from a string, its called subscripting.

text = "hello world"

# text[0] means the the first characters of a text string,
in python or any other programming language 
the counting or first index starts with 0 (zero)
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output: h
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Boolean type of variable holds only two values True or False we use booleans to check if any specific expression is true or false. Its used in conditonal programming.

first_answer = True
second_answer = False

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here the first_answer holds a Boolean type value True and the second_answer holds the False value

How to check type of variables or values

to check type of variables python has a built-in function type()

a = 100
b = 10.50
c = "i am a string"
d = True

print("The type of a is", type(a))
print("The type of b is", type(b))
print("The type of c is", type(c))
print("The type of d is", type(d))
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The type of a is <class 'int'>
The type of b is <class 'float'>
The type of c is <class 'str'>
The type of d is <class 'bool'>
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