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Hridoy Hasan
Hridoy Hasan

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5 Essential Tips for New Frontend Web Developers

Hello, DEV community! I'm Ridoy Hasan, a new front-end web developer. Here are five tips that have helped me to become a successful developer:

1/ Master the Fundamentals: Focus on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the building blocks of web development. Use resources like MDN Web Docs and freeCodeCamp.

2/ Build Projects: Apply your knowledge by creating small projects. This boosts your skills and builds your portfolio.

3/ Learn Git: Git is crucial for version control. Start with basic commands and use resources like the Git Official Documentation.

4/ Stay Updated: Follow industry trends through platforms like DEV , Stack Overflow, and Reddit's r/webdev.

5/ Ask for Help: The developer community is supportive. Use forums like Stack Overflow and when you need assistance.

Happy coding! Share your thoughts or questions in the comments.

Top comments (2)

kervyntjw profile image

Hey Hasan, nice concise article you've written!

Do you have any tips/ideas for projects to build for both beginner and intermediate-level (2-3 years of experience) developers?

ridoy_hasan profile image
Hridoy Hasan

Thanks for your comment, Yes I will write. stay tuned for more web development related tips and tricks.