DEV Community

Riguidix Rodriguez
Riguidix Rodriguez

Posted on

I need an advice

What advices can you give to a depressed/anxiety guy who have lost his path and basic foundations in code by two fulltime jobs out of Software...

I'm losing confidence and motivation at all ☹️🙁

Top comments (2)

nicolasini profile image
Nico S___

Nothing builds confidence like a succession of small wins. For example:

  • if you want to get back into web development and learning a framework, follow a tutorial and build a basic ToDo app with that framework. Check out TodoMVC
  • if your interest is in the back-end, explore some public APIs to build small integrations with them. OpenWeather could be a good place to start
  • etc

You could top that by writing articles here on DEV about what you are doing, and the progress that you are making. That kind of public exposure gives you both accountability, to pull through, and reward in the form of peer support and encouragement.
Hope you find your way out of this slump. Kia kaha!

riguidix profile image
Riguidix Rodriguez

Sorry about not answering your comment, it's good to have some feedback cause feel like I don't have support, and it's weird from strangers.

But thanks, will make post on something I build even out of web development ✌️😊