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Troubleshooting Common Issues When Setting Up Microsoft Clarity

Setting up Microsoft Clarity on your website can be straightforward, but you might encounter some common issues during the process. This guide will help you troubleshoot these issues to ensure a smooth setup and optimal functionality.

1.Tracking Code Not Working Issue:

After installing the Clarity tracking code, no data appears on the dashboard.


Verify Code Placement: Ensure the tracking code is placed correctly within the

section of your HTML. It should be before any other scripts that might load asynchronously.
Clear Cache: If your website uses a caching mechanism, clear the cache to ensure the new tracking code is executed.
Check for Errors: Inspect your website’s console for any JavaScript errors that might prevent the code from running.

2.Data Not Appearing Issue:

You’ve installed the tracking code, but no data shows up in Clarity.


Wait for Data Processing: It can take some time for Clarity to process and display the data, especially if your site has low traffic.
Check Browser Compatibility: Ensure you are using a compatible browser to view the Clarity dashboard. Chrome, Firefox, and Edge are recommended.
Verify Installation: Use browser developer tools to check if the Clarity script is loaded. Look for network requests related to Clarity.

3.Incorrect or Incomplete Heatmaps Issue:

Heatmaps are showing incomplete or incorrect data.


Page Variations: Ensure heatmaps are being generated for the correct page versions, especially if your site has dynamic content.
Session Recording Settings: Check if session recording settings are correctly configured to capture the necessary data.
Exclude Internal Traffic: Make sure your own visits and those of your team are excluded from the data to avoid skewed results.

  1. Clarity Dashboard Issues Issue:

The Clarity dashboard is not displaying correctly or is missing data sections.


Browser Updates: Make sure your browser is up-to-date.
Disable Extensions: Browser extensions can interfere with dashboard functionality. Disable them to see if the issue is resolved.
Try Different Browsers: If the problem persists, try accessing the dashboard from a different browser.

5.Compatibility Issues with CMS Platforms Issue:

Clarity is not working well with your CMS platform.


Verify CMS Integration Steps: Follow the specific steps for your CMS. For example, WordPress users should ensure the tracking code is added to the header.php file correctly.
Use Plugins: Some CMS platforms like WordPress and Magento have plugins that simplify the integration of Clarity. Use these plugins to streamline the setup process.
Check for Conflicts: Other plugins or extensions might conflict with Clarity. Disable them temporarily to identify any issues.

6.Privacy Concerns Issue:

Concern about data privacy and compliance with regulations.

Data Anonymization: Enable data anonymization features in Clarity to comply with privacy regulations.
Review Policies: Ensure your privacy policy is updated to inform users about data collection practices.
Get Consent: Implement mechanisms to obtain user consent for tracking, especially in regions with strict data privacy laws.

  1. Low Traffic or No Traffic Detected Issue:

Clarity shows little to no traffic, even though your website is active.


Verify Tracking Code: Double-check the placement and implementation of the tracking code.
Use Marketing Tools: If your site genuinely has low traffic, consider using marketing tools to boost visitor numbers and subsequently gather more data.

Setting up Microsoft Clarity can greatly enhance your understanding of user behavior and improve your website's performance. By troubleshooting these common issues, you can ensure a seamless setup and start leveraging the powerful features of Clarity. Remember, regular monitoring and maintenance are key to maintaining the accuracy and effectiveness of your analytics.

Implement these solutions to address any issues you encounter, and enjoy the benefits of detailed insights into your website’s performance with Microsoft Clarity.

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