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Rishabh Gupta
Rishabh Gupta

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Mastering State Management in Jetpack Compose: A Fun Guide

Welcome to the world of Jetpack Compose, where building beautiful and interactive UIs for Android apps has never been easier. But as you dive deeper into Compose, you’ll encounter the need for managing state — the data that drives your UI.

In this article, I’ll explore two powerful tools for managing state: State and StateFlow.

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But fear not, I’ll keep things fun and engaging with few examples along the way!


Understanding State


State represents data that can change over time, directly influencing the UI. In Jetpack Compose, the State class is your go-to solution for managing such dynamic data within a composable function. When the value of a State changes, Compose automatically triggers recomposition, updating the UI accordingly.

Lets see the working with a small example.

*Dynamic Text Color * with State Let’s create a fun example where the color of a text changes dynamically using State.

fun DynamicTextColor() {
    var isRed by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }

    val textColor = if (isRed) Color.Red else Color.Blue

    Button(onClick = { isRed = !isRed }) {
        Text(text = "Click to change color", color = textColor)
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Lets take another small example to better understanding.

Lets take an example of the AMAZON app, managing the state of the user’s shopping cart is essential.

You can use _State> _to represent the items in the cart. When the user adds or removes items from the Amazon’s cart, you update the state accordingly, triggering UI updates to display the updated list of items in the cart.

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fun ShoppingCart() {
    val cartItems = remember { mutableStateOf(emptyList<Item>()) }

    Column {
        // Display cart items
        cartItems.value.forEach { item ->
        // Add item button
        Button(onClick = { /* Add item to cart */ }) {
            Text("Add Item")
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What is StateFlow?

While State is great for managing state within a composable, StateFlow is more suitable for managing state outside the UI layer. StateFlow is a type of hot observable that emits the current and subsequent state updates to its collectors.

Real-Time Weather Updates with StateFlow

Building a weather app that fetches real-time weather updates using StateFlow:

class WeatherViewModel : ViewModel() {
    private val _weather = MutableStateFlow<Weather>(Weather.Loading)
    val weather: StateFlow<Weather> = _weather

    fun fetchWeather() {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            val newWeather = apiService.fetchWeather()
            _weather.value = newWeather
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Here, _weather is a MutableStateFlow that emits the current weather state. Whenever fetchWeather() is called, it updates the _weather state with the latest weather data fetched from the API, ensuring that UI components observing weather are always up-to-date.

OKAY!! One more example

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Let take an example of a Amazon Music:

In the** Amazon Music app**, you can use StateFlow to represent the playback state (e.g., playing, paused, stopped) and the current playing media (e.g., song, podcast).

As the user interacts with the controls, the corresponding StateFlow is updated, and the UI reflects the current playback state and media information.

class AmazonMediaPlayerRepository {
    private val _playbackState = MutableStateFlow<PlaybackState>(PlaybackState.Stopped)
    val playbackState: StateFlow<PlaybackState> = _playbackState

    private val _currentMedia = MutableStateFlow<Media?>(null)
    val currentMedia: StateFlow<Media?> = _currentMedia

    fun playMedia(media: Media) {
        // Start playing the specified media
        // Update _playbackState and _currentMedia accordingly

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Here’s how to use the above Repository.

// Create an instance of the repository
val mediaPlayerRepository = AmazonMediaPlayerRepository()

// Start playing a media item
val media = Media(/* specify media details */)

// Observe changes to the playback state
mediaPlayerRepository.playbackState.collect { state ->
    // Update UI or perform actions based on the playback state

// Observe changes to the currently playing media
mediaPlayerRepository.currentMedia.collect { media ->
    // Update UI or perform actions based on the currently playing media

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I hope it is now clear!!!!

Now lets go with the main question for the article, which one to go with and when:

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Choosing Between Compose State and StateFlow:

Now that we’ve seen both State and StateFlow examples, let's see when to use each:

  • The State can be used while managing UI-related states within a composable function. State is lightweight and perfectly suited for managing small, localized state changes that directly affect the UI.

  • Use StateFlow when managing state outside the UI layer, such as in ViewModels or Repositories. StateFlow provides seamless integration with coroutines and ensures that state updates are propagated efficiently across different layers of your app.

State management is a crucial aspect of building robust and reactive UIs in Jetpack Compose. Whether you’re managing UI-related state with State or handling external state with StateFlow, understanding these concepts will empower you to create delightful user experiences.

So go ahead, experiment with state management in your Compose apps, and watch your UIs come to life!

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Official Jetpack Compose documentation: Jetpack Compose
Understanding State in Jetpack Compose: State in Jetpack Compose
Exploring StateFlow in Kotlin: StateFlow Explained

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