This blog post will explore extracting a JWT token from incoming requests using C#.
We will explore two methods using Minimal APIs, but it's the same process for MVC Controllers.
JSON Web Tokens (JWT) have become famous for securing web applications and APIs. JWTs provide a way to transmit claims between parties securely and are widely used for authentication and authorization purposes.
Table of Contents
Method 1: Getting JWT from Authentication Context
This is the best way because it doesn't rely on the HTTP Headers. It uses the Authentication process instead.
PS.: The Authentication pipeline should be processed at this time.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication;
app.MapGet("/jwt-token/context", async (HttpContext ctx) =>
//get the access token from the HttpContext
string token = await ctx.GetTokenAsync("access_token");
return TypedResults.Ok(new { token = token });
Get Access Token from Authentication Context
Method 2: Parsing JWT Token from HTTP Headers
To retrieve the JWT token from a request, we need to access the request headers and extract the value of the "Authorization" header.
Here's a second example of how to parse the JWT token from a request:
app.MapGet("/jwt-token/headers", (HttpContext ctx) =>
if (ctx.Request.Headers.TryGetValue("Authorization", out var headerAuth))
var jwtToken = headerAuth.First().Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1];
return Task.FromResult(
TypedResults.Ok(new { token = jwtToken })
return Task.FromResult(
TypedResults.NotFound(new { message = "jwt not found" })
Get Access Token from Headers
Source Code
Extracting a JWT token from a request is a fundamental step in securing web applications and APIs.
Remember to handle error scenarios and follow best practices to ensure the security of your application.
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