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Robert Fraser
Robert Fraser

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NFT Minter on Solana Part 1

My Dev Log: Charting My Journey with NFTs on Solana

As part of my commitment to charting my growth as a programmer, I've decided to chronicle my projects in a dev log format. My hope is that this log will not only serve as a testament to my journey but will also aid others through detailed tutorials.

In this series, I aim to detail my adventures with the Metaplex platform. Web3 development has been an area I've dabbled in, but like many, I've often found myself pivoting to the next shiny thing whenever I've hit a roadblock. Here's hoping that maintaining this dev log will capture both the highs and lows of this journey.

To set the stage, I'd like to share the vision behind my application and the technology stack it'll be built upon. The inaugural app is slated to be a straightforward Non-Fungible Token minter. Those fortunate to hold one of these NFTs will gain a special key to another DAO project I'm concocting — all part of my grand plan!

For the tech aficionados among you, I've settled on Solana and Metaplex for the web3 components, with React (I promise more nuances on this choice later!) handling the UI. This decision stemmed from much experimentation; Solana's transactional cost-effectiveness was a significant draw. Having trawled through reams of web3 documentation, I found Metaplex, and specifically their 'candy machine V3', offers a powerful yet user-friendly feature set.

The Starter Dilemma

Who doesn't love a good starter? As I've honed my skills, I've grown particular about my tech preferences. Be it the vibrancy of their community, the clarity of their documentation, or their intuitive syntax – my choices have been shaped by a mix of research and intuition. The catch? Finding a starter that aligns with my refined palate has become a challenge. Some are overly broad, offering little time-saving utility, while others are so niche that they constrain flexibility.

Thus, I found a fresh mission: craft the Metaplex starter I'd love to use!

Let's Get Technical

For those of you who've stuck around till here, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. At the foundation of this project is NextJS 13. Yes, I hear the collective gasps. For whatever reason, my dalliance with NextJS began shortly after its Beta, and it's been a rewarding relationship. Let's initiate our project:

npx create-next-app@latest metaplex-nft-minter --typescript --eslint --tailwind
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This command offers a sneak-peek into the tools I'm wielding: I'm a big advocate for Tailwind to whip up elegant designs swiftly, and I've come to see the light with TypeScript's error-prevention capabilities. However, our setup isn't complete:

cd metaplex-nft-minter && npx shadcn-ui@latest init
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For those uninitiated, meet shadcn-ui, a splendid tool for constructing and refining components. While the urge to keep adding dependencies is tempting, I'm keen to pivot to frontend development and mould the app's persona.

Balancing Design with Functionality

When it comes to design, Figma has won my allegiance. After clinging to Adobe XD longer than I'd like to admit, Figma's offering – especially for wire-framing and creating basic assets – proved too compelling. Before I dive into design, I consult with my trusted copywriter (ChatGPT) to infuse my sketches with content and structure.

I am in the process of designing a template website that can be used as a base for building NFT minters using Solana and Metaplex. Please provide a breakdown of the components I should include along with some sample content where appropriate.
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Do I still pepper my interactions with ChatGPT with pleasantries? Absolutely. Maybe it's peculiar, but old habits die hard! I take the gleaned content and pour it into Figjam, sprinkling in some inspiration from Behance for layout and organisation ideas.

A screenshot from the Figjam board created for wire framing the starter

This feels like a good place to pause. My immediate plans?

  • Sketch the wireframe in Figjam, leaning on ChatGPT's insights
  • Infuse the frontend with the established design aesthetic

Stay tuned for my next update, and until then, happy coding!

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