This is one of several learnings we encountered as part of Engineering Suite in Government Digital Services, GovTech SG. The focus for us in Engineering suite are creating productivity tools that supports our SG Tech Stack initiative.In this article, I will be sharing about how an Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) enhanced my team’s security posture while making our developer's life happier
What is Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) ?
A proxy that enables secure access to upstream services. It can act as an identity attestation or perform delegated authorisation for these services.
It represents a paradigm shift from the traditional security model where the focus was securing the network perimeter through IP/Ports. With the proxy approach, not only are users verified, but the application requests can be terminated, examined, and authorised as well. IAP relies on application level access controls, whereby configured policies access user or application intent, not just ports and IPs.
Additionally, it supports the mantra of "Always verify, never trust" of a Zero-trust security model. You can read more about IAP as described by Google.
Image credit from Google IAP Overview
Our Scenario
Due to the Covid pandemic, most organizations have shifted to a remote working environment. It is by no means an easy feat to get everyone connected securely from their home, and the risk profile these days have changed. The last thing we want to do is to implement extra layers of security restrictions and constraints, resulting in a terrible developer's experience with marginal security gain. We wanted a solution that enables our users to access our workloads from untrusted networks with the use of yet another VPN. Traditionally, accessing the development toolchain required a different VPN service as the applications are hosted by a different team and it was impossible to leverage on their VPN service to front the team’s DEV environment.
We looked at a few IAP solutions, and eventually decided to proceed withPomerium mainly because it is open-sourced and our team have prior experience working with it. It is also very easy to deploy a full setup in a Kubernetes cluster
Decomposing Pomerium
Pomerium Proxy
It mainly interject and direct request to Authentication service so as to establish an identity from the idP. Additionally, it will process polices to determined internal/external route mapping.
Pomerium Authenticate (AuthN)
It handles authentication flow to the idP
Pomerium Authorize (AuthZ)
Processes policy to determine permissions for each service and handle authorization checks
Pomerium Cache
Stores session and identity data in persistent storage, and stores idP access and refresh tokens.
The components required:
- Kubernetes cluster with ingress
- Azure Active Directory
In this article, i will be deploying Pomerium to a single Node in AWS EKS Cluster with NGINX ingress, and the perimeter are fronted by an Application Load Balancer. Azure Active Directory will be configured as the identity provider.
System Context
An overview on how pomerium are set-up, whereby we need to secure both an internal service that reside within the same cluster, and an external service that are hosted outside.
Additionally, will be listing down some of the good improvements that can be done in the later section.
Pomerium Configurations
Explaining Pomerium configuration in details.
Main Configurations
# Main configuration flags :
insecure_server: true
grpc_insecure: true
address: ":80"
grpc_address: ":80"
Leave this as default. This is to configure how Pomerium's services discovered each other. For this experiment , we can allow insecure traffic.
Workloads URL
## Workload URL
authorize_service_url: http://pomerium-authorize-service.default.svc.cluster.local
cache_service_url: http://pomerium-cache-service.default.svc.cluster.local
This is to define the route for required service. Pay special authentication to authenticate_service_url, which is a publicly discoverable URL that will be redirected to the web browser, while the other 2 are internal Kubernetes hostnames.
IDP Details
idp_provider: azure
idp_client_id: xxxxx
idp_client_secret: "xxx"
idp_provider_url : xxxx
Enter the details that you retrieve from the identity provider.
I will strongly recommend you not to hard code any secrets into the yaml files for production use. Alternative, you can create Kubernetes secrets and inject these as environmental variables.
For the list of supported identity provider and steps to generate the above details, please visit here
- from:
to: http://httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local:8000
Policy contains route specific settings, and access control details. For this example, Pomerium will intercept all request to, and then redirect to the internal dns hostname of the httpbin workload.
Your final pomerium-config.yaml should look something like this
# Main configuration flags :
insecure_server: true
grpc_insecure: true
address: ":80"
grpc_address: ":80"
## Workload URL
authorize_service_url: http://pomerium-authorize-service.default.svc.cluster.local
cache_service_url: http://pomerium-cache-service.default.svc.cluster.local
idp_provider: azure
idp_client_secret: "REPLACE_ME"
- from:
to: http://httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local:8000
Pomerium configmap
We will create a configmap based on the configuration above, and then it will be mounted by the Pomerium workloads.
kubectl apply -f pomerium-config.yaml
Create random secret
kubectl create secret generic shared-secret --from-literal=shared-secret=$(head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64)
kubectl create secret generic cookie-secret --from-literal=cookie-secret=$(head -c32 /dev/urandom | base64)
Nginx controller
kubectl apply -f ingress-nginx.yaml
Mock Httpbin Services
Deploy a test internal httpbin service
kubectl apply -f httpbin-internal.yaml
Deploy Pomerium Workloads
kubectl apply -f pomerium-proxy.yml
kubectl apply -f pomerium-authenticate.yml
kubectl apply -f pomerium-authorize.yml
kubectl apply -f pomerium-cache.yml
- Ensure Pomerium workloads are up and running
- Accessing Httpbin
From your web-browser, enter
You should be redirected to the IDP sign-in page.
So what happened here? Pomerium proxy interject your request based on the policy defined above, and then redirect to the identity provider's authentication page.
Enter your credentials, and you will be able to access Httpbin's page.
Additional use case
Promerium will be able to proxy services which reside outside of the EKS cluster by leveraging on EKS externalServiceName(insert link). By doing so, Services that reside outside of the EKS cluster will be able to have a service FQDN within EKS which will then be routable by Promerim.
Being able to protect our development and staging environments without another set of VPN greatly enhances the productivity of our engineering team. With Azure AD integration, we can carry out device posture checks, via conditional access policies, on the developer machine being used to access our protected environment. This improves the team’s security posture as a devices within a VPN boundary is no longer a guarantee of safety in today’s cybersecurity context.
Operationally, running the proxy on K8 facilitates capacity scaling in order to meet any sudden surge in demand. A properly instrumented K8 cluster can also help the DevOps team closely monitor all incoming network traffic.
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