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Rodrigo Estrada
Rodrigo Estrada

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Extreme OpenAI Experiment: Writing an Original Short Novel in Spanish and English in 8 Hours from Concept

Inspiration Behind StoryCraftr: AI-Assisted Novel Creation from Start to Finish

This project started as an ambitious experiment: Could OpenAI’s ChatGPT assist in the creation of a complete short novel—fully original, written in both Spanish and English, all in under eight hours? The goal was not to create a polished, professional novel, but to explore whether an original story could be conceived, written, and translated using AI tools within this time limit.

Amazingly, everything—from the cover art, world-building, character development, plot structure, magic system, scripts for publishing, translations, and even the README file—was generated with ChatGPT's assistance. The final result, while still a rough draft, is a satisfying blueprint of a book, demonstrating the remarkable potential of AI in creative writing.

The complete project and code repository can be found here: GitHub: The Purge of the Gods

The Experiment: AI-Assisted from Start to Finish

This experiment was never about writing a professional-grade novel in eight hours, but rather to see how far ChatGPT could assist in the entire process. The story that emerged—The Purge of the Gods—is a dystopian, futuristic fantasy where biotechnology mimics magic, and a manipulative villain drives the narrative.

Key Elements Created with ChatGPT

  • World-Building: Set in a future where advanced technology creates the illusion of magic, with a hierarchy of elites and oppressed classes.
  • Character Development: The protagonist, Zevid, is a manipulative, power-hungry antagonist. ChatGPT helped flesh out his backstory, motivations, and relationships.
  • Magic System: Rooted in advanced science and quantum technology, allowing for powers like enhanced strength, teleportation, and immortality.
  • Plot Structure: ChatGPT contributed to flashbacks, action sequences, and character development, maintaining chapter flow.

Cover Art, License, and Publishing: All AI-Assisted

The process wasn’t limited to writing. With ChatGPT’s assistance, the following elements were generated:

  • Cover Art: AI-generated cover art that fits the dark, dystopian tone.
  • Licensing: Published under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, as recommended by ChatGPT.
  • Publishing Workflow: ChatGPT suggested tools like Pandoc for generating EPUB and PDF formats, along with scripts for automating the process.

Automation with AI-Assisted Scripts and Tools

ChatGPT was instrumental in automating several parts of the workflow, making every tool and script easier to implement:

  • Pandoc for Compilation: Using the command pandoc -o libro_completo_en.pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex --template=template.tex to compile a PDF.
  • Translation to English: Fully automated translation from Spanish using OpenAI’s API.
  • Markdown to EPUB/PDF Conversion: Automated conversion script for multi-platform accessibility.

Challenges and How AI Helped Overcome Them

Despite the experiment’s success, there were challenges, all of which were handled with ChatGPT’s assistance:

  • Maintaining Narrative Consistency: Ensuring tone and context matched between languages.
  • Character Depth: While ChatGPT provided a solid foundation, some areas required additional human refinement.
  • Formatting and Tool Integration: ChatGPT suggested suitable tools and commands, ensuring smooth automation.

Key Achievements: All AI-Assisted

With ChatGPT’s help, the following was achieved:

  • Rapid Story Creation: From character building to world development, ChatGPT enabled fast iteration.
  • Automated Publishing: Scripts for translation, EPUB/PDF conversion, and publishing were guided by ChatGPT.
  • Creative Assistance: While core ideas came from me, ChatGPT helped flesh out the narrative, dialogue, and continuity.

Final Thoughts: The Power of AI-Assisted Writing

This experiment highlights AI's potential in creative processes. By leveraging ChatGPT, I quickly generated a fully fleshed-out narrative, published it in multiple formats, and translated it—all within a short timeframe.

Check out the full project here: GitHub: The Purge of the Gods

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