I would have started this a long ago but I always Procrastinated things saying that "I make a great blog with great features and styling". But the thing is a blog with great styling but no content is of no use. So, I started making this blog with basic Figma designs I made and thought let's start and at least make something where people can read some content.
I have used React, gatsby, styled-components, graphQL & MDX for the blog which is super fast.
I have deployed it to Netlify.
I am linking the GitHub repo which is public you can fork it and create your own personal site.
Github Repo: https://github.com/rohanprasadofficial/react-gatsby-portfolio
How it looks: https://www.rohanprasad.dev/
Do let me know in the comment sections, how does it look.
I have kept it minimal because I believe "less is more".
Do read the GitHub readme to understand how to use and build it.
Please support by giving it a star, I have invested a lot of time thinking about the colors, design, and coding.
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