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Day 10 of My 21-Day JavaScript Learning Challenge with Hitesh Choudhary! ๐Ÿš€

Hello, community! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I am happy to present my journey on Day 10 of my 21-day JavaScript learning challenge, this time with one of the greatest YouTubers of all time, Hitesh Choudhary, and his YouTube channel "ChaiAurCode." โ˜•๐Ÿ“š Today's main topic was API and a first touch with promises and async/await. Let me guide you through my learning process!

After that, I proceeded to learn how to retrieve API responses using two methods: the old-school method using XMLHttpRequest and the modern method using the JSON format. The understanding of the differences between these two and their purpose of being was quite thrilling and really formed a good basis upon which data from APIs could be dealt with.

The next thing was to dive into Promises and async/await functions. These are important in controlling asynchronous operations in JavaScript. I did some programs implementing it, such as how it creates promises and how to use async/await to handle those promises in order to strengthen my understanding of the same. The practical implementation was very useful to understand the working within these features.

Next, I learned about the fetch API and how it works. ๐Ÿ”„ Fetch provides a more modern way to make requests over a network. I have been impressed by how much easier this process is compared to older ways. Implementing fetch within my programs has allowed me to appreciate how clean and simple the syntax is.

Along the way, I am documenting all my code and programs in this GitHub repository ๐Ÿ“‚โœจ So you can follow development and go through the entire code. Furthermore, I am sharing some of my experiences and code snippets on LinkedIn, so feel free to connect with me there.
Github repo:-

If you want to learn JavaScript, I recommend that you follow the playlist "ChaiAurJavaScript" from the channel "ChaiAurCode" by Hitesh Choudhary. This is a really helpful resource for anyoneโ€”from beginners to even very experienced developers.
Yotube Playlist link:-

Thanks for joining me in this learning journey! Please stay tuned as we try to explore the great, wonderful world of JavaScript. Happy coding!

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