Important Takeaways |
Kubernetes is a system to deploy containerized apps |
Nodes are individual machines or vm's that run containers |
Masters are machines or vm's with a set of programs to manage nodes |
Kubernetes didn't build our images - it got them from somewhere else |
Kubernetes (the master) decided where to run each container - each node can run a dissimilar set of containers |
To deploy something, we update the desired state of the master with a config file |
The master works constantly to meet you desired state |
My Workplay on Docker and Kubernetes. Ref :
Docker and Kubernetes
My Workplay on docker
Commands to remember :
docker run
:- runs a command in a new container .docker run = docker create + docker start
docker run -p <localhostport>:<containerport> <imagename/id>
:- running on ports -
docker ps
:- to list all the running containers -
docker ps --all
:- list all the container ever created -
docker system prune
:- to delete all the containers ever created along with some other properties -
docker logs <container-id>
:- to get the logs -
docker start
:- start stopped container -
docker stop
:- stop the container - gets a sigterm message - terminate signal -
docker kill
:- kills the container or stops the container instantly -
docker exec -it <container id> <command>
:- Execute an additional command in container.-it
makes us to provide the input.-it equivalent to -i -t
docker exec -it <container id> sh
:- provides access to the terminal…
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