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Rohit Yadav
Rohit Yadav

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Make Resume in 60 Seconds

In today's fast-paced world, efficiency is key, even when it comes to creating a resume. Whether you're a recent graduate entering the job market or a seasoned professional looking for new opportunities, having a polished resume is essential. In this blog post, we'll explore how you can leverage the power of ChatGPT and LaTex to craft a professional resume in just 60 seconds.

Step 1: Get Ready with your Details

Before diving into the resume creation process, gather all the necessary details you want to include in your resume. This includes your personal information, education background, work experience, skills, and any other relevant information.

Step 2: Open ChatGPT and write this prompt

LaTex is a powerful typesetting system commonly used for creating documents, especially in academia and professional settings. Open your preferred LaTex editor to begin the resume-building process.

Prompt :

Build a resume for me in Latex using an appropriate template. My name is [Your Name]. I am from [Your Address].
Phone: [Your Phone Number]
Email: [Your Email Address]
LinkedIn: [Your LinkedIn]
GitHub: [Your GitHub]

[Your Summary]

[Your Skills]

[Your Education]

[Your Projects]

[Your Experience]




Feel free to replace "[Your Name]," "[Your Address]," and other placeholders with your actual information. This prompt will guide ChatGPT in generating a LaTeX template for your resume, covering all the necessary sections.

ChatGPT Response:





    \textbf{\LARGE John Doe} \\
    123 Main Street, Cityville, State 12345 \\
    Phone: (555) 555-5555 | Email: \\
    LinkedIn: | GitHub:

Enthusiastic and detail-oriented Full Stack Web Developer with a passion for creating dynamic and responsive web applications. Proficient in both front-end and back-end technologies, dedicated to continuous learning and staying updated on industry trends.

\begin{itemize}[left=0pt, itemsep=1pt]
    \item Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React.js, Bootstrap
    \item Back-end: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB
    \item Database: MongoDB, MySQL
    \item Version Control: Git, GitHub
    \item Tools: Visual Studio Code, Postman
    \item Deployment: Heroku, Netlify

\textbf{Bachelor of Science in Computer Science} \\
University of Techland, Cityville, State \\
Graduated: May 2022

\textbf{1. E-commerce Platform} \\
Developed a responsive e-commerce website using React.js for the front-end and Node.js with Express.js for the back-end. Integrated MongoDB for database functionality.

\textbf{2. Task Management App} \\
Built a task management application with React.js and Redux for state management. Implemented user authentication and data storage using Firebase.

\textbf{Junior Web Developer} | XYZ Tech Solutions, Cityville, State | June 2022 - Present
\begin{itemize}[left=0pt, itemsep=1pt]
    \item Collaborated with senior developers to implement new features and resolve bugs in existing web applications.
    \item Assisted in the development of a client portal, improving user experience and efficiency.

\textbf{Intern} | ABC Software Co., Citytown, State | May 2021 - August 2021
\begin{itemize}[left=0pt, itemsep=1pt]
    \item Worked on front-end development tasks, creating and enhancing user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    \item Gained hands-on experience with Git for version control and collaborated in a team environment.

\textbf{Full Stack Web Development Certification} \\
Online Coding Academy | Completed: November 2022

\textbf{English} (Fluent)

\begin{itemize}[left=0pt, itemsep=1pt]
    \item Continuous learning and exploring new technologies
    \item Open source contributions and community engagement
    \item Hiking and photography

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 3: Utilize a LaTeX Editor for Seamless Resume Creation

Now that you've got your personalized LaTeX code from ChatGPT, it's time to bring it to life with the help of a LaTeX editor. For this example, I'll be using Overleaf, a user-friendly online LaTeX editor that simplifies the document creation process.

i) Choose Your LaTeX Editor:
Select a LaTeX editor of your choice. For our demonstration, we'll use Overleaf for its accessibility and collaborative features.

ii) Access Overleaf:
Visit Overleaf and log in to your account. If you don't have one, you can quickly sign up for free.

iii) Create a New Project:
Once logged in, create a new project in Overleaf. This will serve as the canvas for your resume.

iv) Paste Your LaTeX Code:
Copy the LaTeX code generated by ChatGPT and paste it into the editor. This code includes sections for your personal information, summary, skills, education, projects, experience, certifications, languages, and interests.

v) Recompile the Code:
After pasting the code, click the "Recompile" button in the editor. This step ensures that your resume is formatted correctly and any changes you've made are reflected in real-time.

vi) Download Your Resume:
Once the code is compiled successfully, download your resume as a PDF. Most LaTeX editors, including Overleaf, provide an option to export your document in different formats.

vii) Review and Refine:
Open the downloaded PDF and review your resume. Ensure all the information is accurate, and the formatting meets your expectations. Feel free to make any additional edits using the LaTeX editor if needed.

Using a LaTeX editor like Overleaf not only simplifies the document creation process but also allows for collaborative work and easy access from different devices. Enjoy the seamless experience of turning your ChatGPT-generated LaTeX code into a polished and professional resume!

Preview :

This image shows the final product we made in this blog

Preview 1


By combining the quick content generation capabilities of ChatGPT with the precision and professionalism of LaTex, you can create a compelling resume in just 60 seconds. This streamlined approach allows you to focus on showcasing your skills and experiences, giving you a head start in the competitive job market. Don't forget to save your LaTex file and export it to a PDF for easy sharing with potential employers. Happy job hunting!

Top comments (2)

fastovetsilya profile image
Ilya Fastovets

So cool, I love it! This is exactly what I need! Thanks a lot!

rohitnirban profile image
Rohit Yadav

Thanks man