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How to test ideas faster

I have a lot of ideas for pet projects, but now I manage to implement only a small part of them.

I've long wanted a telegram bot that I could write a message to, and it would go to todoist api and create a new task there.

I've done one approach before, then I wrote code in go language to get acquainted with go at the same time, deployed it on free heroku and it was pretty easy. But then heroku stopped providing resources for free and I temporarily froze it.

I wanted to do it all over again, write good code in kotlin that would be easy to maintain, make my own VM in the cloud, set up CI/CD.

And each of the supposed steps are not as easy as they seem, and resources are limited. So it took a long time to implement.

Yesterday I decided to simplify and make a working MVP. Decided to hand-deploy the function into faas. With my old code ready to go. Spent 3-4 hours to figure out how to set up the function, edit the old code, learn how to deploy it, and debug it. Because todoist updated the v1 -> v2 api.

Everything works. So I uploaded the code to github. It is far from perfect, but will do for MVP. From here on I can improve and set up the CI/CD from the githab to the function. But the main thing is that the product already works. And it took me a few hours.

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