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Rupesh Tiwari
Rupesh Tiwari

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Monitoring Containers with Azure Monitor

Did you know you can containerize your MVC with docker application and upload to Azure Container Registry and host them using Azure Kubernetes Cluster and start monitoring your container using Azure Monitor? In this article, I will explain all of this in this article. This article will help you to prepare for az-303: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies.

Azure Monitor For Containers 🛢️

Monitors the performance of containers deployed to several platforms. You can monitor below:

  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Self-managed K8 cluster hosted on Azure using AKS Engine
  • Azure Container Instances
  • Self-managed K8 clusters hosted on Azure Stack or on-premises
  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift
  • Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes

Implementing Azure Monitor for Kubernetes

Let’s create and deploy a docker container to AKS. Source code for azure app insight for docker container.

Creating MVC application with docker

  • First create MVC project select docker Linux support.
  • Run project locally
  • Package this app in container and deploy into container registry
  • You can use Docker hub or Azure Container Registry

Creating Azure Container Registry

  • Next I am going to use Azure Container Registry Service to create new container registry.
  • Under repository of my container registry My MVC application docker image will appear.
  • Visual Studio will package my app into a docker image and deploy to my azure docker container registry.
  • Once my docker image any docker host like Azure Container Instances or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

Publishing Docker Image to Azure

  • Right click application and publish
  • Select Docker Container Registry
  • Next select azure container registry
  • Select your resource group and azure container registry to publish then select publish. It will take some time to publish your image to Azure Container Registry.

What is the meaning of word Kubernetes?

The name “Kubernetes” stems from an ancient Greek word for “helmsman,” (someone who steers a ship, like a container ship) which explains the ship wheel logo.

Creating Kubernetes Cluster in Azure

Kubernetes Cluster concepts

Azure Container Registry has Docker Image and in order to connect to your own docker container image you will get container name and registry name that will help you to host your docker image to any Azure container hosting services.

Azure Kubernetes Cluster host the docker container and exposes the container into public 8080 port using in-built high performance load balancer.

  1. You need pod workflow from Kubernetes Cluster which will connect to the container registry using container name and registry name and create internal 80 port for your app.
  2. Next you need service to expose internal port 80 to public 8080 over load balancer.

While creating Kubernetes Cluster remember 3 things.

  1. Authentication method : required to connect Azure Container Registry to get the docker image.
  2. Integration : Which Container Registry to select your own Container Registry that is we created where we have our docker image.
  3. You can check the performance of your container by going to the Monitor Insights. Once our container will be deployed to the Kubernetes then we can observe performance.

Here is the YML for creating POD in k8 cluster.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: insights-demo01 # give any name
    app: insights-demo01 # app name
    component: netcore-app
  containers: # which container u want to deploy
    - image: # <NameOfTheContainerRegistry>/<NAMEofTheDockerContainer>:latest
      name: webapi
        - containerPort: 80

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YML for creating service in K8 cluster.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: insights-demo01 # give any name
  name: insights-demo01 # give any name
    - port: 8080 # public port
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 80 # internal port
    app: insights-demo01
    component: netcore-app
  type: LoadBalancer

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Follow the video steps to create the Kubernetes Cluster including pod and service.



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Rupesh Tiwari

Founder of Fullstack Master


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