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Ruzny MA
Ruzny MA

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Boosting Web Application Performance: Strategies for Full-Stack Developers


As a full-stack developer, I always strive to improve the performance of web applications. The following problems arise now and then within this span, each one requiring different ways for the approach of the solution or best practices. This post attempts to review the insights and modern ways of handling these issues effectively. Performance could mean high response times, low responsiveness, excessive memory or CPU usage, inefficient network resource utilization, and idle computing resources, among others. In this scenario, we will improve response time in client-server interactions using HTTP as our protocol.

Performance Improvement at Various Layers

Optimization of a web application is accomplished with the performance at the below-mentioned levels:

  • Code Level Improvements
  • Database Improvements
  • Infrastructure Upgrades

Though this classification is not set in concrete, it makes you address the performance issues in a certain way.

Code Level Improvements

These improvements are made directly in your application's codebase.

  1. Algorithm and Data Structure Optimization:

    • Use efficient algorithms and data structures to lower computational complexity.
    • Profile your code, find slow parts, and replace them with better alternatives.
    • Consider leveraging the use of lower-level languages like Rust for the very core of your code to improve performance.
  2. Asynchronous Processing and Parallel Execution:

    • You should use async patterns to avoid time-consuming tasks from blocking the primary thread of execution.
    • The second way is to send non-critical tasks to background workers or microservices.
    • Leverage the concurrency capabilities of runtimes such as Node.js and Go to execute more than one task concurrently.
  3. Efficiency in Client-Server Communication:

    • Introduce caching using a service like Redis to avoid fetching the data repeatedly.
    • Implement data pagination instead of fetching all at once.
    • Implement a BFF layer that personalizes data-fetching operations for UI requirements and mitigates calls to APIs without actual utilization.
  4. Modern JavaScript Techniques:

    • Employ server-side rendering and static site generation through frameworks like Next.js.
    • Employ code splitting and lazy loading to load only the required JavaScript for a view.
    • Incorporate PWA functionalities to enhance UX and performance.

Database Improvements

Databases serve as the bottleneck for most web applications. Here are some optimization strategies for databases:

  1. Indexing:

    • Utilize advanced indexing strategies to expedite read operations.
    • Implement composite indexes for multi-field queries.
  2. Query Optimization:

    • Fetch only the required data by avoiding SELECT * in SQL or unnecessary fields in NoSQL documents.
    • Use pagination in limiting the data processed per query.
  3. Vertical and Horizontal Scaling:

    • Vertically scale through hardware upgrading or adding more processing nodes.
    • Data partitioning to effectively distribute the load across multiple nodes.
  4. Database Redesign:

    • Refactoring schemas to better-fit performance requirements given usage patterns.
    • Consider CQRS, where the requirements of reading and writing are different.
    • Think about moving between SQL and NoSQL databases based on application requirements.
  5. Modern Database Technologies:

    • Distributed SQL databases like CockroachDB or NewSQL solutions for scalable, resilient performance.
    • Consider managed database services like Amazon RDS, Google Cloud Spanner, and Azure Cosmos DB to scale and manage your service without friction.

Infrastructure Optimization

Infrastructure optimizations are about tuning communications, network settings, and backend resource utilization.

  1. CDNs:

    • A content delivery network is one of the best weapons available for latency reduction and load time optimization for user-facing content.
    • Look at the advanced features, such as edge computing and serverless functions, provided by both Cloudflare and AWS CloudFront.
  2. Network Optimization:

    • Assess and optimize your network architecture to minimize unnecessary hops and latencies.
    • Put in place mechanisms for load balancing and failover, which will allow you to have reliable and highly available services.
  3. Adoption of HTTP/2 and HTTP/3:

    • Migrate over to HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 to exploit capabilities for multiplexing, header compression, and connection setup at a much quicker time, among others.
    • Use Server Push in HTTP/2 to preload critical resources.
  4. Low-Level TCP Improvements:

    • Always update the server operating system and avail of the new optimization over TCP.
    • It should allow the settings such as a larger CWND (Congestion Window size), SACK (Selective Acknowledgment), and enable TCP Fast Open.
  5. Compression:

    • Use modern data compression algorithms like Brotli to reduce the size of data transfers; server-side response compression can also conserve bandwidth during the data transfer.
  6. Modern API Protocols:

    • Use GraphQL to query your data flexibly and efficiently, thus avoiding over-fetching and under-fetching.
    • Use gRPC for high-performance and low-latency communication, especially within a microservices architecture.
  7. Scaling and Replication:

    • Easily scale by adding more virtual machines or container instances in your infrastructure.
    • Manage scalable, containerized applications with orchestration tools like Kubernetes.


Optimizing web applications basically calls for a multi-layered approach to optimizing code efficiency, database performance, and infrastructure robustness. As seen from this article, the techniques can boost application performance, yet it all depends on your use case. In addition, regular performance testing and monitoring is a must to identify the bottlenecks and gauge optimizations' effect. Load testing and PoCs will ensure that these optimizations bring the desired improvements. Here are the key takeaways that we learned:

  • Code level optimizations:

    • Algorithm and data structure optimization
    • Asynchronous processing and concurrency optimization
    • Client-server communication optimization using the most modern JavaScript practices
  • Optimization of databases:

    • Indexing
    • Queries optimization
    • Data partition and scaling schemes
    • Database schema redesign and exploration of new-fashioned database technology improvements
  • Infrastructure improvements:

    • Use CDNs
    • Enhance network architecture
    • Optimize with HTTP/2 and HTTP/3
    • Optimize with low-level TCP upgrades
    • Compress moving data in-transit
    • Consider new-fashioned API protocol
    • Stack data partition, scale, and replicate infrastructure

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Happy CodingπŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸš€

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ruzny_ahamed_3a46572a88a2 profile image
ruzny ahamed

Good one ❀️