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Petr Razumov

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How to make variable values UPPERCASE or lowercase in Bash

How to make variable values UPPERCASE or lowercase in Bash

1 min read

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Interactive CLI prompts in Go

Interactive CLI prompts in Go

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4 min read
Automating multi-arch container images builds (we used Google Cloud Build but GitHub Actions would also work)

Automating multi-arch container images builds (we used Google Cloud Build but GitHub Actions would also work)

Comments 1
3 min read
Multi-CPU architecture container images. How to build and push them on Docker Hub (or any other registry)

Multi-CPU architecture container images. How to build and push them on Docker Hub (or any other registry)

Comments 1
4 min read
How to cross-compile Go app for Apple Silicon (M1)

How to cross-compile Go app for Apple Silicon (M1)

Comments 2
3 min read