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Sami Bashraheel
Sami Bashraheel

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Code Like a Librarian: A Beginner's Guide to Git and GitHub

An illustration of a person sitting at a desk, coding on a computer with Git and GitHub logos on the screen.

Hello there! If you're stepping into the programming world, you've probably heard the terms Git and GitHub tossed around. They might sound slightly intimidating initially, but don't worry—I am here to break them down for you using a simple comparison: managing a library. So, sit comfortably and let's explore the world of version control using Git and GitHub!

Setting Up Your Library

Building Your Library

Imagine you're about to start your very own library. The first thing you need is a space to organise all your books. In the programming world, this space is called a repository.

When you use git init, you're laying the foundation for your library. You're setting up shelves to store your books (or code files).

Placing Books on Shelves

Once your library is ready, you'll want to add books. Using git add filename is like placing a book neatly on a shelf. You're preparing it to become part of your library's collection.

Creating Catalog Entries

After adding books to your shelves, it's time to catalogue them so you can easily find them later. Committing changes with git commit -m "Your commit message" is like creating a catalogue entry for each book. The commit message is not just a note; it's a detailed description of what the book is about, helping you track changes over time and understand the evolution of your library.

Navigating Your Library

Viewing Commit History

To see what books you've added over time, you need to browse through your catalogue. Using git log is like flipping through the library’s catalogue to see all the books (commits) you've added and notes (commit messages) about each.

Branching Out

Sometimes, you want to explore new topics or editions without disturbing your primary collection. Creating a new branch with git branch new-feature and switching to it with git checkout new-feature is like creating a new section in your library for special projects. You can work on these projects independently without affecting the primary collection.

Integrating New Ideas

Once your new project is ready, you can integrate it into the main library. Merging changes with git checkout main and git merge new-feature is like moving books from the new section into the main library, seamlessly combining both collections.

Sharing Your Library

Pushing Changes

You can share your library with others or keep a backup in another location. Using git push origin main is like sending a copy of your library’s catalogue and books to another library (the remote repository), ensuring both libraries are up-to-date.

Pulling Changes

You'll also want to get those updates if someone else adds new books to the other library. Pulling changes with git pull origin main is like receiving new books and catalogue updates from another library, ensuring your local collection stays current.


You might want to create a personal copy of someone else’s library to work on independently. Forking a repository on GitHub is like making a photocopy of someone else's library catalogue and books. It allows you to make changes without affecting the original, and when you're ready, you can suggest those changes to the original owner through a pull request.

Proposing Changes

After making changes to your copy, suggest those changes to the original library owner. Creating a pull request on GitHub is like sending a letter to the original library owner with your proposed changes, asking them to consider adding those changes to their collection.

Best Practices

Keep Your Library Organised

Like any good librarian, you'll want to keep things tidy. Make frequent commits with clear messages like 'Added new feature X' or 'Fixed bug Y' to easily track changes over time and understand your library's history.

Collaborate Effectively

Use branches for new projects and pull requests for collaboration. This way, everyone can work together without stepping on each other's toes.

You’re Now a Librarian!

Congratulations! You've taken your first steps into managing code with Git and GitHub. By thinking of these tools as managing a library, I hope you've found them more approachable. Now it's time to start building and sharing your own "library" of code. Happy coding!

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