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Sam-Oladapo Ebenezer
Sam-Oladapo Ebenezer

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Major Difference between Web2 and Web3

The Latest Fancy word in town is Web3.0…. So what is Web 3.0 all about??

If you use a mobile device or any form of Computer, you should be familiar with the web: a subset of the Internet consisting of the pages that can be accessed by a Web browser.

The web has it’s known has undergone a lot of transformation, from static desktop web pages designed for information consumption and served from expensive servers(Let's call that web 1), to interactive experiences and user-generated content that brought us Facebook, Instagram and other products_(Web 2)_.

_The rise of Web 2.0 was largely driven by three core layers of innovation: Mobile, Social and Cloud.

Web 2

Web 2 significantly changed the way we communicate and interact with each other, Web 2 is based on a server-client structure, meaning centralised private corporations control and own the data. The result is that these corporations have enormous monopoly power and create barriers to entry for potential competitors. All Web2 applications are controlled by centralised corporations, including the entire banking and financial system.
Web 3 image


Web 3

Web3 is an even more fundamental disruption. It is a leap forward to_ open, trust less and permission less _networks.

Open: in that they are built from open source software built by an open and accessible community of developers and executed in full view of the world.

Trustless: in that the network itself allows participants to interact publicly or privately without a trusted third party.

Permissionless in that anyone, both users and suppliers,can participate without authorisation from a governing body.

Where Web 2.0 was driven by the advent of mobile, social and cloud, Web 3.0 is built largely on three new layers of technological innovation: edge computing, decentralised data networks and artificial intelligence.


Web 3 has some limitations right now:

Scalability – transactions are slower on web 3 because they're decentralised. Changes to state, like a payment, need to be processed by a miner and propagated throughout the network.

UX – interacting with web 3 applications can require extra steps, software, and education. This can be a hurdle to adoption.

Accessibility- lack of integration in modern web browsers makes web 3 less accessible to most users.

Cost – most successful dapps put very small portions of their code on the block-chain as it's expensive.


As Web 3 , talents are needed to help provide the necessary infrastructure, The Zuri team in conjunction with Nestcoin is providing opportunities for interested persons to skill up and become employable in the web 3 space. In few years watch out for graduates of the program do wonderful things.

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