What is Paging3
Paging3 is a jetpack library that allows us to easily load large datasets from the data source (local, remote, file, etc. ). It loads data gradually, reducing network and system resources usage. It is written in Kotlin and works in coordination with other Jetpack libraries.
First, We have to add this dependency to our build.gradle
implementation "androidx.paging:paging-runtime-ktx:3.1.1"
implementation "androidx.paging:paging-common-ktx:3.1.1"
testImplementation "io.mockk:mockk:1.12.5"
testImplementation "junit:junit:4.13.2"
testImplementation "io.mockk:mockk:1.12.5"
Paging Source File
So we have SpecialicationPagingSource like this:
class SpecializationPagingSource(
private val professionUid: String,
private val query: SpecializationQuery,
private val api: CommonService
) : PagingSource<Int, SpecializationDomain>() {
companion object {
private const val STARTING_PAGE = 1
override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Int, SpecializationDomain>): Int? {
return null
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, SpecializationDomain> {
val currentPage = params.key.takeIf { it != 0 } ?: STARTING_PAGE
return try {
val result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
ApiHandler.handleApi {
api.getSpecializationList(professionUid = professionUid, query = query.toMap())
val totalPages = result?.meta?.pagination?.totalPage ?: 0
val data = result?.data?.record ?: listOf()
data = data.map { it.toDomain() },
prevKey = null,
nextKey = if (currentPage < totalPages) currentPage + 1 else null
} catch (e: Exception) {
let's write out test case :)
Positive Case
In positive case, we can set PagingSource return value with LoadResult.page. for example:
LoadResult.Page(data = null, prevKey = null, nextKey = null)
We have 2 test scenarios for our PagingSource . Refresh and Append . Refresh is when our PagingSource load first page, and Append is when our PagingSource load next pages.
for Refresh test, we can write our test like this:
val fakeResponse = GeneralResponseWrapper(
data = GeneralRecordHolder(record = listOf(specializationResponse)),
meta = GeneralMetaResponse(
pagination = pagination = GeneralPaginationResponse(
page = 1,
totalPage = 1,
limit = 1,
totalRecords = 1,
records = 1
val expectedResult =
data = listOf(specializationResponse).map { it.toDomain() },
prevKey = null,
nextKey = null
coEvery {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
} returns Response.success(fakeResponse)
key = 1,
loadSize = 1,
placeholdersEnabled = false
coVerify {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
please look at GeneralPaginationResponse class. We set totalPage = 1 because we want to test only when paging load data for first time. Then we use PagingSource.LoadParams.Refresh for refresh.
for Append test, we can write our test like this:
val fakeResponse = GeneralResponseWrapper(
data = GeneralRecordHolder(record = listOf(specializationResponse)),
meta = GeneralMetaResponse(
pagination = GeneralPaginationResponse(
page = 1,
totalPage = 2,
limit = 1,
totalRecords = 1,
records = 1
val expectedResult =
data = listOf(specializationResponse).map { it.toDomain() },
prevKey = null,
nextKey = 2
coEvery {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
} returns Response.success(fakeResponse)
key = 1,
loadSize = 1,
placeholdersEnabled = false
coVerify {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
please look at GeneralPaginationResponse class. We set totalPage = 2 because we want to paging have 2 page to load with limit = 1 per page . please take a look out expectedResult variable. the next key = 2 means we expect out paging load page 2. Then we use PagingSource.LoadParams.Append for append next page to existing loaded data.
Negative Case
In negative case, we can set PagingSource return value with LoadResult.Error. for example:
PagingSource.LoadResult.Error<Int, T>(Exception("error data"))
And our codes will look like this:
val expectedResult =
PagingSource.LoadResult.Error<Int, SpecializationDomain>(BadRequestException("error data"))
coEvery {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
} throws expectedResult.throwable
key = 1,
loadSize = 1,
placeholdersEnabled = false
coVerify {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
Sample Code:
class SpecializationPagingSource(
private val professionUid: String,
private val query: SpecializationQuery,
private val api: CommonService
) : PagingSource<Int, SpecializationDomain>() {
companion object {
private const val STARTING_PAGE = 1
override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Int, SpecializationDomain>): Int? {
return null
override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, SpecializationDomain> {
val currentPage = params.key.takeIf { it != 0 } ?: STARTING_PAGE
return try {
val result = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
ApiHandler.handleApi {
api.getSpecializationList(professionUid = professionUid, query = query.toMap())
val totalPages = result?.meta?.pagination?.totalPage ?: 0
val data = result?.data?.record ?: listOf()
data = data.map { it.toDomain() },
prevKey = null,
nextKey = if (currentPage < totalPages) currentPage + 1 else null
} catch (e: Exception) {
class SpecializationPagingSourceTest : BaseUnitTestDataLayer() {
lateinit var specializationPagingSource: SpecializationPagingSource
lateinit var mockService: CommonService
lateinit var specializationQuery: SpecializationQuery
companion object {
val specializationResponse = SpecializationResponse(
"dokter hewan"
override fun setUp() {
specializationPagingSource =
SpecializationPagingSource("thisIsUid", specializationQuery, mockService)
fun `when SpecializationPagingSource refresh return Success`() = runTest {
val fakeResponse = GeneralResponseWrapper(
data = GeneralRecordHolder(record = listOf(specializationResponse)),
meta = GeneralMetaResponse(
pagination = pagination = GeneralPaginationResponse(
page = 1,
totalPage = 2,
limit = 1,
totalRecords = 1,
records = 1
val expectedResult =
data = listOf(specializationResponse).map { it.toDomain() },
prevKey = null,
nextKey = null
coEvery {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
} returns Response.success(fakeResponse)
key = 1,
loadSize = 1,
placeholdersEnabled = false
coVerify {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
fun `when SpecializationPagingSource append return Success`() = runTest {
val fakeResponse = GeneralResponseWrapper(
data = GeneralRecordHolder(record = listOf(specializationResponse)),
meta = GeneralMetaResponse(
pagination = GeneralPaginationResponse(
page = 1,
totalPage = 2,
limit = 1,
totalRecords = 1,
records = 1
val expectedResult =
data = listOf(specializationResponse).map { it.toDomain() },
prevKey = null,
nextKey = 2
coEvery {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
} returns Response.success(fakeResponse)
key = 1,
loadSize = 1,
placeholdersEnabled = false
coVerify {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
fun `when SpecializationPagingSource return Exception`() = runTest {
val expectedResult =
PagingSource.LoadResult.Error<Int, SpecializationDomain>(BadRequestException("error data"))
coEvery {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
} throws expectedResult.throwable
key = 1,
loadSize = 1,
placeholdersEnabled = false
coVerify {
mockService.getSpecializationList(any(), any())
Reference: https://medium.com/@mohamed.gamal.elsayed/android-how-to-test-paging-3-pagingsource-433251ade028
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