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Samuel Lubliner
Samuel Lubliner

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Interacting with Postgres from within a Rails app


config/database.yml tells Rails which database to connect to.

Change the default rails_template_development to
database: my_contact_book.

rails dbconsole

Run rails dbconsole to launch psql and connect to the table specified in config/database.yml. \dt shows what tables are in the database.

Rails DB Gem

Start the web server with bin/dev. Navigate to the URL /rails/db for the database developer GUI.


A gem that automates the heavy lifting of connecting to a database and performing CRUD operations.


For each table:

  1. Create a Ruby class to generate SQL
  2. Send it to the database
  3. Transform the data sent back into Ruby objects.

These classes are called “models” located in the app/models folder.

# app/models/contact.rb

class Contact
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  • Put a Ruby class in app/models.
  • Name the file the same as the class (snake_cased version). - Rails automatically requires that class in every other file in our app. This reduces require statements.
  • Name the class singularly. Each instance of this class represents one row from the contacts table.

Rails Console

  • In a new terminal tab, run rails console (rails c).
  • Rails console is similar to IRB, but it automatically requires all of the files and gems in the Rails app.
  • Instead of using irb, use rails c for a quick way of executing one line of Ruby at a time.

Inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base

# app/models/contact.rb

class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
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The Contact class has inherited many methods that will help us CRUD data in the contacts table. Restart rails console to use the edits. Run and Contact.count to explore.

Creating a new record

  • Create a new instance of the Contact class with
  • Assign that instance to a variable
  • ActiveRecord automatically adds attribute accessor methods for each column in the underlying table
  • Assign values to each column
  • Call .save to insert the row into the underlying table

Custom rake tasks

Store Ruby scripts in the lib/tasks folder

Within .rake files, use the task method.

The argument to task is a Symbol. Run the task from the bash prompt with rake <task name>.

Creating sample data

Write a task called “sample_contacts” to populate the contacts table.

Faker gem

Add a loop to our code to create a bunch of records all at once

The Faker gem includes a lot of methods for generating various kinds of values.

To “reset” the table by deleting all of the records before creating new, randomized records use the somewhat dangerous destroy_all method.

destroy_all will delete all of the records from a table. Be careful!

Retrieving existing records

Open a rails console session and work with our records using our model.

Attribute accessor methods

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