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Jorge Barrachina Gutiérrez for SanExperts

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Postman quick tricks

Postman is an awesome tool. It lets you automate a lot of the work when you are playing with API's. But are you really getting the most of out it?

I'm going to show some little tricks that can help you save valuable minutes in your day-to-day workflow.

If you want to reproduce these tricks, you will need to have installed nodejs and Postman Collection SDK in your computer.

Scenario #1: Rename all the items of a collection adding a prefix sequence index

Sometimes we are working on a large postman collection and we want to be explicit on what order of execution the user should follow.

Adding a prefix to each item of the collection seems like a good idea, but if we have several items in our collection, doing this manually is pretty boring..., there has to be a way to do it quickly...

Indeed! There is an easy way! Here is the code for the impatient:

Create a file called rename_items_collection.js and paste the following code:

// Import Postman Collection SDK
const fs = require('fs');
const {Collection} = require('postman-collection');
const FILENAME = './sample-collection.json';
const SEP = '-';

// Read our postman collection file
const myCollection = new Collection(require(FILENAME));

// Update list of items renaming each of them with a sequence prefix
myCollection.items.members =,idx) => item = {...item, name: `${idx+1} ${SEP} ${}`});

// Output collection content
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Open a terminal and type:

node rename_items_collection.js
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You will see in your screen the contents of the collection. If you want to save it, run this one:

node rename_items_collection.js > renamed_collection.json
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Now, you can import renamed_collection.json in your Postman App and you will see each item name prefixed with an index.

Scenario #2: Make requests with fake data

You need to test your API with some random and fake data, but you don't want to implement some function to randomize each data type.

Did you know that Postman has dynamic variables based on faker.js mocking data library?

The best part: There is some "Finance" data you can mock. Here are some examples:

  • Random IBAN account number ? : use {{$randomBankAccountIban}}
  • Random ISO-4217 currency code (3-letter) ? : use {{$randomCurrencyCode}}
  • Random Bitcoin address : use {{$randomBitcoin}}

Take a look of the complete variable list.

If you want to use these variables in a Pre-request section, you should use it as in the following example:

// Generate a random UUID

// This works
var uuid = pm.variables.replaceIn('{{$guid}}');

//This won't work
var uuid = {{$guid}}
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Scenario #3: Check JWT claims with Javascript within Postman

I don't know you, but when I work I have several applications opened, sometimes too many.

When I have to test or debug an API that makes use of OAuth 2.0 with JWT, sometimes I need to check if a request has proper data in the JWT. It's useful to remember Occam's Razor :

" of two competing theories, the simpler explanation of an entity is to be preferred"

What does it have to do with this scenario?

When you are troubleshooting some requests, we tend to look for complex assumptions. It's better to start with the easiest ones, which are the most frequent. So, let's do it.

Imagine we have the following JWT:

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As we know, every JWT consists of 3 parts (the '.' "splits" each part). I've just given you a clue... .

If you want to know the claim content (Ignoring verifing the JWT signature), can you do it?

Yes! with 2 lines of Javascript!

Put the following lines in the Pre-request tab on the request you want to check

var [jose_header,payload,] = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c".split('.');
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with the atob javascript native function we can decode Base64

If you have the JWT content in a variable called assertion you can substitute the string with the following example

var [jose_header,payload,] = pm.variables.get("assertion").split('.');
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Here you have a reminder diagram on Postman supported variables and their scopes:

Postman Variables

When you run this code, you will see in the Postman console:

  "sub": "1234567890",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "iat": 1516239022
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Scenario #4: Signing JWT tokens directly within Postman

Maybe you know this amazing cryptography tool called jsrsasign : It supports a lot of the common tasks you have to do when working with secure APIs:

  • RSA/RSAPSS/ECDSA/DSA signing/validation
  • ASN.1
  • PKCS#1/5/8 private/public key
  • X.509 certificate
  • CRL
  • OCSP
  • CMS SignedData
  • TimeStamp
  • CAdES JSON Web Signature/Token/Key (JWS/JWT/JWK)

There are multiple ways to use this library within Postman. We, as developers, should evaluate which way is better for our use case. Here you have two ways of using jsrsasign:

Load jsrsasign from external URL

This is the simplest way to use it: postman-util-lib. Kudos to joolfe.

If you want to try this way, on the postman-util-lib website there is a good documentation on how to use it

But here are two corner cases you can think about:

  • Should we trust a site we cannot control?
  • What if you work in a restricted environment where every url needs to "be validated" beforehand in the firewall of your organization?

Thinking about those scenarios, I want to share with you a way of using this awesome library locally.

Load jsrsasign locally

So, let's do it!

Trial #1: Read the library from a local file

Unfortunately, this is not possible yet in Postman :-( . Take a look this issue in Postman App Support.

Trial #2: Serve the library from localhost

  1. Let's grab the file from

  2. Let's serve this file from localhost. We can use http-server nodejs package to do it. If you prefer to serve the file with another method, there are a ton of them.

mkdir jsrsasign_library
cd jsrsasign_library
npm i -g http-server
http-server . -p 8080
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From your browser you can reach the file at http://localhost:8080/jsrsasign-all-min.js

Next, assume you have a variable in the Postman environment called sign_secret . If you just want to try it, you can substitute in the following code with a string (Although it's a bad practice)

  1. Now go to Pre-Request tab , and copy the following
var URL_local_jsrsasign = "http://localhost:8080/jsrsasign-all-min.js"
if(!pm.globals.get("jsrsasign")) {
    pm.sendRequest(URL_local_jsrsasign ,(err, res) => {
       pm.globals.set("jsrsasign", res.text());
// Load jsrsasign library in global context

const jose_header = {
  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "RS256"
const payload = {
  "sub": "1234567890",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "iat": 1516239022

// Sign JWT
var jwt = KJUR.jws.JWS.sign("HS256", jose_header, payload, pm.environment.get("sign_secret"));

// verify JWT
isValid = KJUR.jws.JWS.verify(jwt, pm.environment.get("sign_secret"), ["HS256"]);
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I hope you find these little tricks useful. Happy hacking!

Cover Photo Credit: Photo by Barn Images on Unsplash

Top comments (3)

kinlane profile image
Kin Lane

Very nice! Super advanced look at automation with Postman. Thanks for sharing.

ntkog profile image
Jorge Barrachina Gutiérrez

Thanks Kin!

ddesna profile image

<3 Insomnia Rest