Hidden Github features that you have not used before
🔥 Github’s Web-based editor
The web-based editor is a free, lightweight editor environment to create and commit code changes directly from your repository. You can open any GitHub repository in the web-based editor in the following ways:
Pressing the dot ( . ) key while browsing any repository on GitHub.
🔥 Opening GitHub Jupyter Notebooks directly in Colab
You can also open a Github notebook directly in Colab. Replace github with githubtocolab in the URL, leaving everything else untouched. This opens the same notebook in Colab.
🔥 Keyboard Shortcuts
t - quickly jump through files (similar to cmd+T in VI or Text Mate)
w - quickly switch branches
s - search
? - keyboard shortcuts help
🔥 Creating a profile-level README
You can also customize your GitHub profile page to include information that you would like to showcase.
The Github profile Readme is a public repository containing a README .md file and appears at the top of your profile page.
All the content you want to showcase on your Github page should be included in this README .md file. However, there are few points to keep in mind:
The name of the repository should match your GitHub username. For example, if your username is octo, the repository name must be octo.
The repository should be public. There should be a README .md file in the root of the repository, and it should be populated with some content.
🔥 Octotree
Octotree is a browser extension that enhances GitHub code review and exploration. It helps you navigate directories and open files with a familiar tree-like structure.
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