Finally, after weeks of learning and working on the personal blog, I can say it has now taken a shape that I am satisfied with. There is still a lot of work needed to be done especially with the styling of the blog, however, overall I think I have got the features I wanted to add. So what features are integrated within my personal blog
User Authentication:
For user authentication, I used the 'bcrypt' gem. Though in my other projects I have used the 'Devise gem', this being my project, I chose to use bcrypt. Also, user authentication wasn't a feature that I absolutely required in this project, because it is a personal blog, and I am guessing the only person uploading here will be me.
Here's how I went about getting bcrypt to work on the blog.Markdown:
For my blog I wanted to be able to enter the text as I do on Dev. Therefore, I went about finding how I could implement markdown on the blog. Also, I have no idea a thing called 'Rich text editor' existed. Had I known this, I would probably have gone and tried using a rich text editor instead. My ignorance was a blessing in disguise as now I am equipped with knowledge on how to implement both markdown and rich text editor.
Here is how I implemented the markdownBootstrap and Font-awesome:
Next up, I wanted to use bootstrap and for this, I followed the instructions provided on the bootstrap gem homepage. I also used the font-awesome icons to style the icons. Again, the Font-awesome gem page came in handy whilst implementing the FA icons.Pagination:
For pagination I used the will_paginate gem. Here's my implementation of the gem on the blog.Paperclip:
Finally, for adding images to the blog posts I used the paperclip gem. I was able to get the gem working on localhost, however, I soon encountered an issue on Heroku. The images looked to be stored on my database but every time I refreshed the images would disappear. It was then that I learnt, that Heroku wouldn't store my images, and therefore I would have to store my images elsewhere. The recommended platform was AWS.
Now I embark on my next goal to get the images on AWS.
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