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Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan
Sardar Mudassar Ali Khan

Posted on

The target context is not constructible. Add a default constructor or provide an implementation of IDbContextFactory.

The error message you provided suggests that there is an issue with the construction of the 'MVCPracticeProject.Data.AppDatabaseContext' class. The error occurs because the class either lacks a default constructor or does not implement the 'IDbContextFactory' interface.

To resolve this issue, you have a couple of options:

  1. Add a default constructor: If the 'AppDatabaseContext' class does not have a constructor defined, you can add a default constructor to it. A default constructor is a constructor with no parameters. Here's an example:
   public class AppDatabaseContext : DbContext
       public AppDatabaseContext()
           // Initialization code, if needed

       // Other members of the class
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By adding a default constructor, you allow the class to be constructible without any arguments.

  1. Implement IDbContextFactory: If you need more control over how the 'AppDatabaseContext' instance is created, you can implement the 'IDbContextFactory' interface, where 'TContext' is the type of your database context class. The 'IDbContextFactory' interface provides a way to create instances of a database context outside of dependency injection. Here's an example:
   public class AppDatabaseContextFactory : IDbContextFactory<AppDatabaseContext>
       public AppDatabaseContext CreateDbContext(string[] args)
           // Create and configure the database context instance
           var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<AppDatabaseContext>();

           return new AppDatabaseContext(optionsBuilder.Options);
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In this example, you implement the 'CreateDbContext' method to create and configure an instance of 'AppDatabaseContext' based on your specific requirements.

Choose the option that best fits your needs and implement the necessary changes to resolve the error.

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