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Saurabh Mhatre
Saurabh Mhatre

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How to calculate dot product in perceptrons?

Neural networks are a collection of individuals nodes called as artificial neurons or perceptrons.
Each perceptron takes in an input array, multiples it with weights array and add a bias value to create a computed sum.
This computed computed is passed to an activation function to compute the final output value of a neuron.
We can see the basic parts of a perceptron below:
Example of a perceptron
We can calculate the summation value of neuron inputs, weight and bias in the for a sample neuron as explained in example below:

#Example of dot product using bumpy
import numpy as np
#Sample input to perception
inputs = [1.2, 2.2, 3.3, 2.5]
#Weights passed to perception
weights = [0.4,0.6,-0.7, 1.1]
#bias for a particular perception
bias = 2
#Take dot product between weights and input 
#and add bias to the summation value
output =, inputs) + biasprint(output)
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Here function is used to calculate dot product between the input and the weights.
Internally it works as follows:
Calculation of Dot Product
The output value from above function is fed to an activation function to calculate final value of a perceptron. I will cover various activation functions and their working in another article since it is a vast concept requiring it's own article.
That's it for today's short tutorial on dot product using bumpy.
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Reference:Neural Networks from Scratch by SentDex

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