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Cover image for ReactJS: onClick={someFunction} VS onClick={()=>someFunction}
Sayyed Asad Ullah
Sayyed Asad Ullah

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ReactJS: onClick={someFunction} VS onClick={()=>someFunction}

The difference between onClick={someFunction} and onClick={() => someFunction} in React (or JavaScript in general) lies in how and when they handle the execution of the someFunction when the click event occurs :


  • Direct Reference: This syntax directly references the function someFunction.

  • When Clicked: The function someFunction will be called when the onClick event is triggered (e.g., when the element is clicked).

  • No Extra Function Call: No additional function is created; React simply uses the function reference you provided.

  • Example: If someFunction is defined as function someFunction() { console.log('clicked'); }, then onClick={someFunction} will log 'clicked' when the element is clicked.

onClick={() => someFunction()}

  • Arrow Function: This syntax uses an arrow function to call someFunction.

  • Creates a New Function: Each time the component renders, a new function is created. The arrow function wraps the call to someFunction.

  • Immediate Invocation: Within the arrow function, someFunction is called immediately when the onClick event is triggered.

  • Use Case: Useful when you need to pass arguments to the function or need to do additional work before calling someFunction.

  • Example: If you want to pass an argument to someFunction, you can use onClick={() => someFunction('argument')}. This will call someFunction with 'argument' when the element is clicked.

When to Use Each

  • Direct Reference ({onClick={someFunction}):
  1. Use this when you want to avoid creating an extra function on each render, which can be more efficient.

  2. Preferable for simple event handlers where no additional arguments or operations are needed.

  • Arrow Function (onClick={() => someFunction()}):
  1. Use this when you need to pass arguments to the function or perform additional operations before calling the function.

  2. Useful for inline operations or when dealing with closures.

Code Example

You can understand via a code example.

//Direct Reference

function handleClick () {
console.log('Clicked Button');

// Arrow Function 

function handleClick(message) {

<button onClick={() => handleClick('Button clicked')}>Click Me</button>

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Understanding these differences helps in optimizing performance and achieving the desired behavior in React components.

Top comments (12)

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

testcase - can check which event details get this function as incoming parameter:

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sayyedasad786 profile image
Sayyed Asad Ullah

Yes respected sir I'm agree with you. But my topic is that

ReactJS: onClick={someFunction} VS onClick={()=>someFunction}

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

Yes that why I would like to focus on the big different:

onClick={someFunction} means someFunction get all events parameter


onClick={() => someFunction} means someFunction don't get any incoming parameter

kwoodgmr profile image

One thing I would add is that the event object is passed to the object when using

This, if the function is written to take it there would be no need to write:
onClict={e => someFunction(e)}

sayyedasad786 profile image
Sayyed Asad Ullah

Yes Exactly I'm very happy you can understand this topic

starkraving profile image
Mike Ritchie

Another variant that I like to use is onClick={makeHandleClick(}, where function makeHandleClick looks like (rowId) => () => handleClick(rowId)

It works out to pretty much the same as your second case but doesn’t create the wrapping function on every click. It’s useful inside a mapping function where the data is the same but the values are different for every row.

Thanks for the article!

sayyedasad786 profile image
Sayyed Asad Ullah

My Pleasure! Please share this article with your friends and team members.
Mail me: click to mail me. I'm still waiting for your response.

nabilridhwan profile image
Nabil Ridhwan

Hi, great topic. I saw the mention of this in a React-focused talk. I've never actually found if the difference in performance is huge. I would love to know your thoughts on the performance side since JS has its own garbage collector. Do correct me if I'm wrong! :) Cheers.

sayyedasad786 profile image
Sayyed Asad Ullah • Edited

Thank you so much Respected Sir! I'm always with you. If you have any problem so get into touch. I'll guide you immediately.

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

Great take on this my man!

sayyedasad786 profile image
Sayyed Asad Ullah

Thank you so much respected sir for support me. I'm still waiting of your mail.

mekkj98 profile image
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keshav jha

Nothing but a complete copy paste oc this article. At least change the summary or tag original author.


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