As a developer, I work with many different tools on the command line. That's why I got into the habit of recording everything in a simple shell menu. That's how I came up with EasyKey.shellmenu. This allows me to easily create shell menus for my tools. I use it for kubectl, Maven and Git. Here is an example:
source "/path/to/"
menuInit "Maven demo menu"
submenuHead "Life cycle commands:"
menuItem c "Clean all" "mvn clean:clean"
menuItem x "Compile" "mvn clean compile"
menuItem t "Test" "mvn clean test"
menuItem i "Install" "mvn clean install"
submenuHead "Also usefull:"
menuItem d "Analyze dependencies" "mvn dependency:analyze"
menuItem u "Clean compile force updates" "mvn clean compile -U -DskipTests"
menuItem e "Show effective settings" "mvn help:effective-settings"
menuItem r "Show local repo location" "mvn help:evaluate -Dexpression=settings.localRepository | grep -v '\[INFO\]'"
menuItem l "Show global settings file location" showGlobalSettingFile
The snippet creates a simple Maven menu like this:
In the repository on Github for EasyKey.shellmenu there are two more complex examples of menus for Git and kubectl. Check it out an if you like it please leave me a star for sharing it.
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