If you have a clue, then you are good to go, but if you don't, then you are like millions, confused and worried about their life plans.
Growing up, I had dreams of being an astronaut, a banker, then a police, then a lawyer, after I gave my life to Christ, a pastor.
All of these options redefine how I see the future.
The first thing I know is nothing is certain, like a movie full of suspense, you can only guess.
Making life choices is like wanting to be a millionaire but with no lifelines.
Your choices and the mistakes you experience are defined by the friends, family, and opportunities you are surrounded by.
Writing this made me realize we are the product of our ecosystem.
So when next you are asked what you want to become.
Look around you.
How far did the most innovative and famous person within your circle reach and aim 100 times ahead?
Top comments (2)
This week I heard an interesting quote: "we're all detectives in this mystery called life." That's from James Altucher
wow, until you die, we keep investigating the truth about the future. Nice quote.