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Which CSS Framework should I use ?

Spandan Sehgal on July 02, 2022

Hey everyone I am in a confusion that what css framework shall I use for my projects Bootstrap or Tailwind? Comment down advantages and di...
wjplatformer profile image

Well, to be brutally honest here,

I feel that you should only use CSS frameworks to build websites in a short period of time (like a code jam or if your boss gives you a project). Using pure CSS without a framework can let you build websites tailored to the client or yourself, which is great.

But if you really want me to decide

I feel that choose whatever you want. They are equally good. Use both in fact. Like what @natescode said, each have their own features, pros and cons. Although I had never tried out Tailwind, they seem good to me. So do it, get out there and write some CSS! Maybe you can show me websites you made with these 2 frameworks!

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Ok I'll try using both of them.
Thanks for interacting.

codefinity profile image
Manav Misra

Tailwind 💯. For one thing, when you learn Tailwind, you are still learning CSS (although, it's advisable to maybe do some vanilla CSS first).

When you are learning Bootstrap, you are really just learning Bootstrap magic classes that do a lot for you, but aren't really transferable.

The difference is that Tailwind is a utility library. You are still writing CSS using their classes (and various customizations, if desired), but those each translate to just 1-2 CSS rules at a time. U are just saving the time and trouble of having to jump into a separate CSS file and adding selectors,{}, etc.

Bootstrap is a full blown framework.

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Ok, thanks for sharing I didn't knew that 🙂

machy8 profile image
Vladimír Macháček

Try ❤️.
It's a library that uses pure CSS selectors to generate optimized CSS. You don't have to study anything.
Just write selectors, get CSS and define components, variables and etc if you need to.

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Ok I'll try

tangtangtang profile image

Tailwindcss is very nice, Bootstrap I use its grid system and some interactive components like collapse. So HTML will be.

<div class="row -mx-8 md:-mx-4">
  <div class="col-3 col-lg-6 col-md-12 px-8 mt-12 md:px-4 lg:mt-8">
    <a class="item block">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Also I converted mobile first to PC first

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Ok, thanks for your time

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Hey everyone, I'm seeing that this post is getting more and more views faster than any other and thanks for that, but I want your thoughts on Bootstrap Vs Tailwind kindly comment your thought here.


invalidlenni profile image

I'm using picocss and I'm fine with that. Maybe you can try

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Ok thanks for the suggestion, I'll surely try it out.

wjplatformer profile image

Yeah, they have to deign things fast!

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Ok thanks for you time

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Thanks for sharing.

sehgalspandan profile image
Spandan Sehgal

Hi Nathan Hedglin, I want to know the pros and cons of using Tailwind And Bootstrap eg are they customizable,? which one is seo friendly ?, which one is lighter? etc etc.