Let assume that I have multiple files opened as buffers in Vim. The files are *.py
, *.md
and some *.html
I want to close all the HTML files with :bd *.html
. However, Vim does not allow this; It throws an error: E93: More than one match for *.md
So how can we achieve this?
0. Basic Way
The basic way would be writing all file names and using :bd[elete]
:bd file1.html file2.html file3.html
1. Exe Way
You can use buffer numbers:
Execute :ls
, which lists all buffers, then pick the buffers that you want to close. For instance:
deletes buffer range from 2 to 7.
2. Vim Way (Preferred method)
If you exe :bd *.html
and then press <C-a>
it completes all file matches.
3. Vim Script Way
If you usually execute :bd
and don't want to use Vim Way then you can write a vim script
function! s:DeleteBufferByExtension(ext)
let buffers = filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val) && bufname(v:val) =~ "\.'.a:ext.'$"')
if empty(buffers) |throw "no *.".a:ext." buffer" | endif
exe 'bd '.join(buffers, ' ')
command! -nargs=1 DeleteBufferByExtension :call s:DeleteBufferByExtension(<f-args>)
This function takes file extenstion as an arg, find files with this
extension and execute :bd
. It can be run like below:
:DeleteBufferByExtension html
You can map this function to a key as well.
All done!
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