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Shadab Ali
Shadab Ali

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Default vs Named exports

There are two primary ways to export values with JavaScript: default exports and named exports. But you can use one or both of them in the same file. A file can have not more than one default export, but it can have as many named exports as you like

Export Statements:
export default function Button() {} // default export
export function Button() {} // named export

Import Statements:
import Button from './button.js'; // default export
import { Button } from './button.js'; // Named export

When you write a default import, you can put any name you want after import.
For example, you could write
import Banana from './button.js'
and it would still provide you with the same default export.
In contrast, with named imports, the name has to match on both sides. That’s why they are called named imports!

Top comments (4)

thi3rry profile image
Thierry Poinot • Edited

No, you can create alias with this syntax :

import { Button as RedButton } from './Button.js';
new RedButton();
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It is called named export to allow exporting multiple things from one package.

rksingh620 profile image
Rohit Kumar Singh

Setting alias is different thing. The import must be same name as exported for named exports.
After importing it you can set it's alias to whatever you like.

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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ronaldosc profile image

This notation is a deconstructing assignment one, and for alias you can set like this:

import { Module : mod } from './someModule.js'
mod.someProperty( )
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