The following blog will be a continuation of my previous blog which provided an initial introduction on creating thumbnails for videos. In this blog, I will go through the steps and include code for creating a thumbnail using a python library called moviepy.
The steps I am going to go through for creating a thumbnail are as follows:
- Download a video from Google Cloud Storage
- Load the video file to get the duration
- Determine the appropriate times to get the snapshot
- Retrieve the frames from the video
- Generate a thumbnail based on the frames
- Upload the thumbnails back onto Google Cloud Storage
Download the Video from Google Storage
The following code will download a movie from google storage. It requires the Cloud Bucket and the path within the bucket to get the movie.
from import storage
def get_movie(bucket_name: str, path: str):
client = storage.Client()
bucket = client.get_bucket(bucket_name)
blob = bucket.blob(path)
file = blob.download_as_bytes()
return file
Load Video to get duration
To get the duration, I used moviepy (which behind scenes uses FFMPEG) to load the video and get the meta data from the file (including the video duration). To leverage FFMPEG we need to write the movie to the disk and then extract the meta.
def get_movie_duration(movie_file):
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".mp4") as tmpfile:
tmpfile_path = # Store the temporary file name
tmpfile.flush() # Ensure data is written to disk
# Process the video file to get its duration
with VideoFileClip(tmpfile_path) as video:
duration = video.duration
# Cleanup: Ensure the temporary file is deleted if it exists
if os.path.exists(tmpfile_path):
Get the Times for Snapshot
This function will just return 4 evenly spaced time intervals based on the duration
def _get_snapshot_times(duration, num_snapshots=4):
interval = duration / (num_snapshots + 1)
return [i * interval for i in range(1, num_snapshots + 1)]
Retrieve the frames at snapshot times
The following function will load the video and retrieve all the fames in one shot.
from PIL import Image
def retrieve_snapshots( video_path, times):
video = VideoFileClip(video_path)
frames = [video.get_frame(time) for time in times]
images = [Image.fromarray(frame) for frame in frames]
return images
Generate thumbnails based on the frames
The following 2 functions will be responsible for resizing the image. The first function will use PIL image library to take the frame and resize it to a maximum of 500 pixels. The second function will create a thread pool and parallize the resizing of images for all the snapshots at the same time
def resize_image(image, max_size=500):
# Calculate the new size, preserving the aspect ratio
ratio = float(max_size) / max(image.size)
if ratio >= 1:
return image
new_size = tuple([int(x*ratio) for x in image.size])
buffer = BytesIO(), format=FILE_FORMAT, optimize=True, quality=100)
def generate_thumbnail( images ):
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=len(images)) as executor:
# Create a future for each snapshot extraction
futures = [executor.submit(self.resize_image, image, max_size=500) for image in images]
for future in as_completed(futures):
image = future.result()
except Exception as exc:
print(f"Generated an exception: {exc}")
return snapshot_images
Upload thumbnails to cloud
The following function will write the images to Google Cloud storage. This will be done in parallel to speed up the process
def upload_thumbnails_to_cloud(images, bucket_name:str, bucket_path:str, storage_client):
responses = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
futures = [executor.submit(self._write_thumbnail_to_cloud, image, bucket_name, bucket_path, storage_client, index)
for index, image in enumerate(images)]
for future in as_completed(futures):
response = future.result()
except Exception as exc:
print(f"Generated an exception: {exc}")
return responses
The following is how the code will all come together
video_file = get_movie(bucket_name, bucket_path)
duration = get_movie_duration(video_file)
snapshots = retrieve_snapshots(video_file, duration)
upload_thumbnails(snapshots, bucket_name, bucket_path)
There are a couple of challenges with this approach in that when you are analyzing the video it writes the file locally and calls FFMPEG. If you are trying to do this in parallel or have extensive load this could be quiet challenging. To role this into production I would make sure you have a good auto scaling capability or look at something like Serverless functions.
I would definitely welcome any comments on the code above or any ways I could make it run faster.
Top comments (1)
Great blog post. Much needed automation is required to generate thumbnails of each frame of the video.
I made you a similar script that displays the frame at each second of the video when the seek bar is hovered just like YouTube. You can read more about it here: