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How to Find Developer for Equity: A Comprehensive Guide

If the cash flow is low, finding a developer with equity can considerably help a startup or small business. This guide will take you through how to find the right developer, establish a mutually benefiting agreement, and grow a good working relationship.

Understanding the Equity Model

Before you start making your searches, understand what working for equity really means. In this kind of model, a developer agrees to work on your project in lieu of cash compensation for equity or ownership in your company. Both parties may like the proposition for different reasons-developers get the potential long-term financial benefits and being part of a startup, while founders get to save their cash resources for other priorities.

Types of Equity Compensation

Stock Options: Developers attain the right to buy shares after a certain vesting period at a pre-defined price.

Restricted Stock Units (RSUs): Stock vests upon attaining specific milestones or at the end of a stated period.

Direct Equity Stake: A simple percentage of ownership of the firm as a reward with the possibility of receiving vested stock options in order to ensure dedicated performance.

Assessing Your Needs

Clearly define the position that you want to fill before seeking a developer:

Scope of Work: Explain what sort of work should be done or from which it should arrive. Are you creating a mobile application, a Web interface?

Skillset Required: What specifically do you need in the way of skills? Think about the programming languages, frameworks or tools which might be connected with your project.

Commitment Level: Estimate approximately the time the involvement of the proposed developer will take in terms of months. Do you need a person to provide constant commitment or will a couple of hours in a week suffice?

Finding the Right Developer

1. Leverage Your Network

The first place to look for candidates is your social and business circles.

Ask Friends and Family: They may be aware of someone who is capable of doing what is required in the job.

Professional Contacts: Get business prospects to find them on sites like linkedin and other business sites.

Industry Meetups and Events: Go to hackathons, meetups and startup events in your city to be able to meet the candidates.

2. Use Online Platforms

There are several platforms where you can find developers interested in equity opportunities:

Freelance Websites: Some people seeking work at such platforms as Upwork or Freelancer may be willing to take equity deals.

Startup-Specific Platforms: There are websites such as AngelList that bring startup firms that seek to hire talent in exchange for equity.

Developer Communities: Blogging platforms like GitHub, Stack Overflow, Reddit or any Q&A site targeted at developers will give you access to those who show interest in startups.

3. Social Media and Job Boards

A number of platforms can be used in finding developers interested in equity opportunities:
Twitter: Marketplaces such as Upwork or freelancer contain freelancers who are ready to work for equity.
Facebook Groups: Specific platforms refer to sites such as AngelList, matching startups with talent ready to work for equity.
Job Boards: Virtual forums or communities, such as GitHub, Stack Overflow, or even Reddit, will be ready and waiting to help anyone locate a developer who is into startups.

Pitching Your Idea

When you come across such potential candidates your sales pitch is then important. Clearly communicate:

  • Your Vision: Startups should also share their goals and objectives with their society. What problem are you solving?

  • Potential Upside: State general arguments as to why your project could grow and what positive impacts could be received by members of that project.

  • Company Culture: *Explain work environment and values for attracting developers that have similar attitude.

Structuring the Equity Agreement

When you have identified a developer with an interest in investing with you will then require formulation of a good stock ownership plan. This is important to save ground for misunderstandings that may crop up in future should romance develop.

  • Define Roles and Responsibilities

Clearly outline what you expect from the developer, including:
Specific Tasks: As the key activities, it is necessary to list the key milestones:
Timeline: Choose an expected date of project completion/delivery and establish a date for their completion of certain tasks.
Communication: Schedule how frequently you will be in touch and the medium through which the communication is going to happen.

  • Determine Equity Compensation

Decide on the type and amount of equity compensation:
Percentage of Equity: Compare the fair value with a contribution of the developer and the value of your company now.

Vesting Schedule: It helps to set conditions that require the developer to be involved with the project for the laid down period by locking a proportion of the proceeds. They can have options that vest over four years with a one-year cliff.

  • Legal Considerations

Consult with a legal professional to draft a formal agreement that includes:
Equity Terms: In particular, discuss the equity allocation and the schedule of awards’ realization, if there are any vaguer conditions connected with their recipients’ performance.
Exit Clauses: State events if and when any of the parties may want to terminate the contract.
Confidentiality and IP Rights: Put down clauses on confidentiality and ownership of work done because this may include your intellectual property.

Building a Productive Relationship

To achieve a productive end, a positive relationship must be established.

  1. Foster Open Communication Promote a setting for a successive review to unpack current progress, emerging challenges, and modification. Tools such as Slack or Asana should be used in order to easily communicate.
  2. Create a Collaborative Environment Allow the developer to be part of the decision making process and actually consider his opinion. It tends to establish confidence among people and also encourages them to feel that they own the given project.
  3. Recognize Contributions

Always appreciate the developer’s work and nurture such feelings about achievements. This makes the people feel valued and to continue making more commitment in the activity.


Hiring a developer willing to accept stake in the business is cost effective and an effective way of developing your business from within a constrained cash base. Leveraging people within your networks, using online networking, and having a clear vision when describing your company all help to attract the correct talent. The key to success of the equity agreement will include: Structures of a fair equity agreement and maintaining a good working relationship. In achieving this, we want to remind you that the purpose of this process is not only to construct a product but to set up a partnership which will help your startup to move forward and grow into an innovative business.

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