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Design Patterns in Web Development

Manuel Spagnolo on November 04, 2018

Check out the updated version here Introduction Foreword Before diving down in this series you might want to kno...
smona profile image
Mel Bourgeois

Looking forward to the rest of the series!

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

I'll try to not let you down :D Thanks!

biggregory profile image

Really good and fun article. Please use a little bit less of Italian kitchen examples and good luck! Great job.

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

I thought that was the best part :(

ackzell profile image
Axel Martínez

It was! We can't please everyone. If that helps you explain, then it is up to us to keep up, or just... don't read your content 😅

Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

julesmanson profile image
jules manson

Love this series. I will continue to return to it as you write more articles.

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

Thanks for the support (:

julesmanson profile image
jules manson

Just one question. Why not write all example code in Javascript? It is not only the number one web development language, it has become the world's most popular language. I think if you did it would attract far more readers because everyone who does any kind of web development is probably familiar with it.

Thread Thread
shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

As much as I agree with this and as much as it would be way easier for me*, articles of this series are loosely coupled with the language I am using for examples.

Plus, we deal with an industry changing on a daily basis and sticking with the fad of the day is not a wise choice in general. Also, I feel that playing with examples outside your comfort zone is the best way to actually understand the abstract ideas behind the topic, which ultimately are the takeaway of these articles. I hope no one really will copy paste code of those examples :D

*: as my colleagues say, I speak JavaScript more fluently than Italian :D

Thread Thread
julesmanson profile image
jules manson

It's not a fad.

Thread Thread
shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

I pay my bills mostly because of it. I hope it's not :D

jalvini profile image
Joseph Alvini

This was a great article. I hope to learn more about design patterns. I am actually going through hell trying to figure out in what instance to use what specific design pattern. I am currently reading GOF so I think that should clarify a bit.

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo • Edited

To be quite fair, my current approach is to keep it simple. Unless I find an instance in which the use of a pattern is completely obvious, I usually don't go down that path. Most of the time change of requirements, many iterations over code and the inevitable amount of issues everyone goes through will tell you what is the best way to deal with the current scenario.

kgrgreer profile image
Kevin G. R. Greer

If you're interested, I've shared slides and videos (1, 2, 3) of my design pattern class. The videos total about three hours.

quit_ka profile image
Tetiana Kh

Thank you for a good article. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

First episode is out :) It's linked in the classification list

tobiashoeft profile image
Tobias Höft • Edited

Can you explain in a post how you start to plan an architecture which pattern which strategy. for me often it's hard to find a starting point

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

Looks like a wide topic! Maybe we can gather some real world scenarios and think about which pattern fits better the requirements. How does this sound?

ronaldoperes profile image
Ronaldo Peres

Still trying to learn those patterns, when and where to use.

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

I guess the same as above applies here :)

jtpatil profile image
Jitendra Patil

Looking forward to reading the whole series, keep it up, man!

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo


nans profile image
Nans Dumortier • Edited

I can't wait to read your articles! And I find that choosing to apply design patterns to web development in order to have practical examples is a great idea 😊

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

Thanks! (:

saraalfred profile image
Sara Alfred

I am marketing officer at my software agency and Design patterns are really unique and really creates great impact over the business site. Nice article Keep it up mate.

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

Thanks :)

fatimatariq25 profile image
Fatima Tariq

Just an opinion - I think Strategy pattern is the easiest of them all and a developer should be able to adopt it quickly. Also, I feel that the factory pattern is a bit overrated :-) An important extension of the Builder pattern is the Step Builder patterns which can enforce conditions such as which 'build' step to allow next, mandatory parameters etc. Decorator, Facade and adapter are also (relatively) easy to pick up and more useful compared to Singleton. The toughest ones IMO are Command and Visitor

diek profile image

Nice! I will be waiting for your series :) thanks for the work.

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

Thank you for reading!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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chris_cabizza profile image
Christian Cabizza


rahildar profile image

i am Excited .. looking forward to this series.

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

Thanks (: First episode is already there

gabypentin profile image
Gabriela Amundarain

Cool article! Also, thanks for the refactoring resource, it's a great find

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

It was for me as well :) Thanks!

dejo_17 profile image
Dean Juricic

Great and entertaining article. Looking forward for what follows next :) keep it up

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

Thank you (:

elemes11 profile image

also looking forward to the rest of the series. However, do you think its best we pick up the Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
to be able to follow up?.

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

To be honest, I still didn't start working on any of the articles. I just gathered some ideas, but I didn't write a single word yet. I guess we'll figure out together :D

dangolant profile image
Daniel Golant

Looking forward to the rest. Your English is great, but if you ever want a second (or Nth) set of eyes on a post, hit me up. I have a solid amount of experience editing and translating :).

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

Thanks man (:

weslexcore profile image
Wes McLaughlin

This is a great idea, looking forward to the series!

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

First episode is out! You can find it in the final list

whitebloodcell profile image
Tom Clayson

Looking forward to your future articles!

canopix profile image

+++1000000 for " the dark ages of " hahaha Thanks!

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

Thank you for reading!

bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney 👾

Nice 👌

serpi90 profile image
Julian Maestri

The link to the Command article is broken

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

Whoops! Thanks for the headsup, it's fixed now (:

shikaan profile image
Manuel Spagnolo

First episode is out!