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Optimizing Your React App: A Guide to Production-Ready Setup with Webpack, TypeScript, ESLint, and Prettier - 2024

Shivam Pawar on June 30, 2024

In this blog post, we'll cover everything you need to know to set up a React app that's ready for deployment. GitHub Repo:
tarunchakravarthy profile image
Tarun Duggempudi

That's a great step by step guide to get kick start project.

I would add little more details such as adding anchor links to the docs for terms like webpack, ESLint, and Prettier.

Furthermore, also write an additional notes if there is still a better way to achieve similar goal.

Finally, an effective article that helps to dive inn!

shivampawar profile image
Shivam Pawar

Thanks @tarunchakravarthy for the feedback!

flyingcrp profile image

Great sharing,But why not just choose a mature scheme like vite?

shivampawar profile image
Shivam Pawar

Thanks, webpack is highly configurable that’s why it is used in large enterprise applications

jarlef profile image

So is vite. Vite has loads of options and builds on top of esbuild and rollup. Webpack is requires alot of configuration to do simple stuff.

xoulrage profile image
Xoul Rage

thanks but why this when I can do it with vite

shivampawar profile image
Shivam Pawar

@xoulrage If you need extensive customization and full control over the bundling process, Webpack's rich plugin ecosystem and configuration options may be more suitable.
For larger codebases with a very large number of files (500+), Webpack may be able to compile the bundle faster than Vite, especially when using newer features like lazy compilation.

jarlef profile image

That statement is just false. We converted large solutions from webpack to Vite. Vite is faster in both development mode (20x faster) and 2-3x for production build

litlyx profile image
Antonio | CEO at

This is a great template for the newbies starting using react. Great job.

Antonio, CEO at Litlyx

shivampawar profile image
Shivam Pawar

Thanks @litlyx

lucianodecezare profile image
Luciano de Cezare is equal to Wasn't production supposed to be more optimized?

shivampawar profile image
Shivam Pawar

Thanks @lucianodecezare for identifying my mistake. I accidentally pasted same config as dev. Updated with more configuration.

viet_ho_398865447b7b14af8 profile image
Viet Ho

please fix tsconfig.js => tsconfig.json

shivampawar profile image
Shivam Pawar

Thanks @viet_ho_398865447b7b14af8 for pointing out this mistake. I updated it.

6qat profile image
Guilherme Ceschiatti B. Moreira

What advantages of this setup instead of Vite?

shivampawar profile image
Shivam Pawar

Webpack is mainly known / used for large applications bundling with highly configurable things. Vite is emerging to be a better tool but still don’t provide much flexibility. If you want minimum and quick configuration for your app then definitely Vite is a better choice.

mikhacavin profile image
Mikha Cavin

same question. @shivampawar

brense profile image
Rense Bakker

Or: npm create vite@latest my-react-app -- --template react-ts

sunilkhadka001 profile image
Sunil khadka

Why is this approach better than using preexisting bundlers like vite?

shivampawar profile image
Shivam Pawar

@sunilkhadka001 If you need extensive customization and full control over the bundling process, Webpack's rich plugin ecosystem and configuration options may be more suitable.
For larger codebases with a very large number of files (500+), Webpack may be able to compile the bundle faster than Vite, especially when using newer features like lazy compilation.

kali_123 profile image
kali deb • Edited

it doesn't explain anything on how this optimizes your react app, It just shows us how to install npm packages

shivampawar profile image
Shivam Pawar

Installing npm package is not a big deal.
If you read this article properly then you will see webpack configuration other than just npm installation commands, I used plugins to minify production bundle size. Also, by using eslint you make sure that developer will write quality code.

It takes time and efforts to write a detailed post. So please don’t just directly say that it’s just a npm package installation steps.