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Cover image for Monorepos: Lerna, TypeScript, CRA and Storybook combined

Monorepos: Lerna, TypeScript, CRA and Storybook combined

Jonathan Schneider on October 31, 2019

Let’s be lazy: repository on github That’s the code for the starter repository. Also made this repository a template repository This p...
anil1712 profile image
Anil Kumar Pandey

Hi @shnyder,

I am trying to do the CI/CD pipelining, so added this script into gitlab but it is getting failed. Please let me know if there any issue in script.

   - build  
   - deploy

build prod:  
   image: node:10.15.0-stretch  
   stage: build  
      - yarn global add lerna jest
      - yarn global add react
      - yarn global add typescript
      - lerna exec -- npm install
      - lerna bootstrap
      - yarn build
         - build/    
      expire_in: 10 days
deploy prod:  
   image: python:latest  
   stage: deploy 
      - pip install awscli    
      - aws s3 sync ./build s3://BUCKET_NAME --acl public-read 
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shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

Hi @anil ,

what's the output of your gitlab build log?

In this post I tried to focus on the basic monorepo setup, to get a clean local dev environment with as many "defaults" as possible (so as little config as possible). It would be great to connect this post to a default config for a (gitlab) CI/CD-pipeline, so what's your experience with it so far?

andresmgsl profile image
Andres Guerrero

Hi @anil

Do you achieve to do the CI/CD pipelining? I'm using gitlab too and i would be helpfull if you explain me what you did..

Thanks in advanced!

anil1712 profile image
Anil Kumar Pandey • Edited

Hi @shnyder, first of all very very thanks for writing this, it is very clean, understandable and helpful.

I ran the script through github and it works perfectly fine, but now I want build my component using the React Material UI (, so what is the best way to add this dependency?

Should I directly run the yarn add @material-ui/core in the root of the project? How it will add the dependency to storybook and cra app?

shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

Both, you can also use yarn lerna add @material-ui/core --scope=@my-org/my-monorepo-ui-lib at the root. In my experience it works well for single packages, if you want to add many it often doesn't.

Then you can import material ui Components in your own component inside the UI lib, e.g.

import {Button} from '@material-ui/core';

and run yarn story for adjusting it in storybook. Because it's a sub-dependency of the UI lib package, you'll have it included when you run CRA with yarn start as well.

anil1712 profile image
Anil Kumar Pandey

Very Very thank you for the quick reply, I tried it and it is working fine.

Can you please share how do I create the builds. Dev (minify with js map files) and Prod (complete minify) ?

Please suggest me something to achieve this.

ppalmeida profile image
Pedro Paulo Almeida

Hello. Thank you so much for this very good article.

After install / bootstrap the dependencies using lerna bootstrap and run lerna run start --parallel on the root folder, the CRA package complains like this:

There might be a problem with the project dependency tree.
It is likely not a bug in Create React App, but something you need to fix locally.

The react-scripts package provided by Create React App requires a dependency:

  "babel-loader": "8.0.6"

Don't try to install it manually: your package manager does it automatically.
However, a different version of babel-loader was detected higher up in the tree:
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This is an old and known common error when starting with CRA: we shouldn't add babel-loader AND react-scripts at the same time. But, yeah, I know that babel-loader is there because of my-monorepo-ui-lib package. So, I'm kinda stuck in this error... do you have any suggestion?

Thank you so much for your time.

shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

Hi Pedro,
I know it's a bit late, but with the update to react-scripts 4.x and storybook, this error should be gone. It came from a version-mismatch of the babel-loader, because CRA comes with one version, but the older storybook needed another one to function. Storybook has really shortened the list of dependencies it needs to run, and babel-loader is still in the dependency tree, but not explicitly.

acroyear profile image
Joe Shelby

and today it is back - this time complaining that CRA supports only 8.1 while the one installed was 8.2.2.

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shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

Hi Joe, thanks for pointing that out. I just fixed it by adding a

  "resolutions": {
    "babel-loader": "8.1.0"
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to the main package.json. That feature is not so old, and the version needs to be adjusted to the one in the CRA error message. That's unfortunately the situation for now, both storybook and CRA have open issues for that topic. I'm happy to accept Pull Requests or Issues once the version needs to be bumped again =) But I hope the underlying dependency-mismatch gets fixed

krishnaspotnana profile image

We could have used lerna without yarn workspaces as well here? Why they are being used together here? Please provide insights on same.

shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

We're combining the benefits of the two: yarn workspaces does the package/dependency management on the level of the package manager, which you'd otherwise do with lerna's --hoist flag. You can execute some commands monorepo-wide with yarn workspaces as well. If you want to do that, here's a good article that does just that.

However, lerna is a toolset that provides higher-level capabilities e.g. for diffing your packages' versions in different ways, so it reduces the difficulty of managing a monorepo. Here are some more details, and how performance is affected.

smritispotnana profile image
smriti-spotnana • Edited

Doesn't learna boostrap do the hoisting for us, I was thinking? - bcoz I think it would shift the dependencies from individual package to root? but, it also does npm install in all packages, I think.

krishnaspotnana profile image

Thanks for this great article. Why do we have lib-esm and lib folders. What happens If I remove lib folder? Just curious.

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shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

we're building against two target versions of javascript, one with ECMA Script Modules ('esm'), the other with a (one of the) module system that existed before. When people start using your library, the different entrypoints to your lib that are defined in package.json make sure that you don't break compatibility. Check out the media coverage of the 'is-promise' library if you want to see what impact a change to the module system can have ;)

martinmcneela profile image
Martin McNeela

Hi @shnyder this is a great read and really helped me get my head around monrepo's.

I have followed all the steps and have a working project. However I have two small issues I hope you can help with:

1) --stream (or any other flag) doesn't work with "yarn lerna run start --stream", any ideas why this would be?
2) I want to be able to change my components in the ui-lib and have the cra app update with them (currently I have to restart the server), is this possible? how would I begin to make that work?

smritispotnana profile image

What happens if i remove main from the package.json and just keep lib-esm and provide it's access via module? and then import this package in another package via import (and not require())? Will this fail in older browsers? hence, I must keep both lib and lib-esm? - Also, I read on the internet that main is used when we import this package using require() and module is used when we import it using ES6 import? is this correct? is this the only relevance of main and module? I don't think so though, but couldn't find more on it. Thank you!

shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

yes, javascript has evolved over the years and since version 6 supports modules out of the box. NPM has started as a package manager for node.js, so there were module systems before ES6 that solved the needs of the backend more or the frontend. If you're using typescript I would go for import-statements instead of require(). You're saving yourself some time if you start building with typescript, let babel take care of downwards compatibility (Babel is what's used in create-react-app under the hood) and learn the details of the javascript ecosystem later on =)

smritispotnana profile image
smriti-spotnana • Edited

so, I have package1 and CRA. CRA imports package1. and package1's package.json just have module: "lib-esm/index.js" and no main. and CRA is in typescript. So, when babel (which react uses internally) will build my code, will it also provide downward compatibility for the es6 code I had imported = package1 = available as ES6 and not ES3 bcoz I am only exposing "lib-esm/index.js"? - so, I can safely do this in my monorepo right? w/o worrying about browser compatibility issues when running my CRA app?

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shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

good question. I haven't tested your particular case yet, but I'd recommend having both module and main if your app is build against esm and before: The problem here is that it depends on which code babel runs on. If you're running a full build, then dependencies are baked (and minified etc) into the different chunks for your app. If you're just running in development, it might pull in modules, and you can run into problems for example when an es6-class (which is native to the browser) is extended like a non-native class (because js didn't always have classes). Somewhere I read a statement from the CRA team saying that they try to create builds for the largest common denominator of configurations (Browser/OS) out there - so that means ES6 modules and classes, because both are pretty standard now

acroyear profile image
Joe Shelby

Fixes for latest versions (triggered by version and dependency conflicts).

1) change react-scripts for both packages to 4.0.3
2) add "babel-loader": "8.1.0" to the root package.json file (cra complains when 8.2.2 is found in the root, but storybook will install its override and use it)
3) add "@storybook/addon-docs": "^6.1.17", to the storybook package package.json file

with those, the root commands started working for me.

shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

I believe that the main culprit is "@storybook/addon-docs": "^6.1.17". If the next version increases the babel-loader version again, you'd have to bump that then. The "resolutions" field actually changes the dependency tree resolution, but it is just in the RFC phase now. I was actually hoping to make it work with other package managers, and I'm happy for any input in that direction

anil1712 profile image
Anil Kumar Pandey • Edited

Hi @shnyder,

The component CSS files are not getting copied from my-monorepo-ui-lib to my-monorepo-cra-app. So I am getting this error.

Module not found: Can't resolve './card.css


shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

Since you're using Material UI, I recommend you have a look at how it does styling with JSS, their approach to theming, etc:

The different approaches to bundling css for libraries would be a good topic for another blog post, I deliberately chose not to cover that here, to focus on monorepo-structure more. In the end, CRA will split your css in chunks when building. So the question is how your library users will consume that. If your CRA App is the only consumer, I'd recommend importing css only in the *.story-files, keeping it out of your components. In your CRA App, add an scss file that imports all the css you need, e.g. @import "../../ui-lib/src/components/yourfile.css. This is more a practical approach than a clean approach, but it separates concerns and will thus continue to work, even if there's a version update to create-react-app.

If you want to publish your library, see which CSS-with-javascript combination you're using (JSS, CSS Modules, ...) and check for the recommended build process.

shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

Hi everyone,
with the update to react-scripts and storybook some things are simpler in the template. I've included basic scss/css compilation as part of the library build process. CRA supports both out of the box, so it's better if the monorepo-template does so as well.

I'm surprised there is still so much interest, so I want to ask - what's your biggest pain point with monorepos? Which development tasks are still hard for you in the frontend?

...thinking about which article/template to write next

neginbasiri profile image
Negin Basiri

Hi, I don't need ui-lib I only have CRA-app. I am getting this error
qterra-app: $ react-scripts start
qterra-app: /Users/nbasiri/projects/mono-qterra/node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/utils/verifyTypeScriptSetup.js:231
qterra-app: appTsConfig.compilerOptions[option] = suggested;
qterra-app: ^
qterra-app: TypeError: Cannot add property noFallthroughCasesInSwitch, object is not extensible
qterra-app: at verifyTypeScriptSetup (/Users/nbasiri/projects/mono-qterra/node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/utils/verifyTypeScriptSetup.js:231:45)
qterra-app: at Object. (/Users/nbasiri/projects/mono-qterra/node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/start.js:31:1)
qterra-app: at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1133:30)
qterra-app: at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1153:10)
qterra-app: at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:977:32)
qterra-app: at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:877:14)
qterra-app: at Function.executeUserEntryPoint as runMain
qterra-app: at internal/main/run_main_module.js:18:47
qterra-app: error Command failed with exit code 1.

Can you please help how to fix this error?

travispomeroy profile image

Hi @shnyder,

This is a very good article and helping me a lot in understanding how to setup a Lerna, CRA, Typescript, and Storybook monorepo.

But one question I have, how would we incorporate pre-styled components into our Storybook? I would like to use Sass to give all of my shared components a default styling that could then be overridden by the client application if desired. So I'm assuming we would need to use Webpack at this point to build our lib directories instead of using tsc directly?

Sorry, thanks for your patience and time. I'm very new to front-end development and still trying to piece all the different technologies together.

shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

Hi @FlatPenguin,

sorry for the late reply. If you're new to front-end development and don't want to use one of the css-in-js solutions have a look at the BEM-Notation for naming styles. It helps you structure your styles early on, even if you don't follow it 100%. With node-sass you can actually compile the sass into css and ship it with the rest of your library, so no need to ship scss

smritispotnana profile image

What if I just keep lib and don't expose/create lib-esm at all? - bcoz CRA is anyway getting transpiled by babel? hence, can do away with lib-esm?

Thank you

smritispotnana profile image
smriti-spotnana • Edited

isn't yarn lerna run test equivalent to yarn workspaces run test? - when to use what? and why should we use yarn workspaces at all if lerna is able to do all that for us?

dontepsu profile image
Patrik Keinonen

Hi @shnyder

I'd like to leverage intellisense with TypeScript and VS Code. With the current, it's building, but VS Code does not find the reference to the shared components.

shnydercom profile image
Jonathan Schneider

did you build your most recent code as a library? When you run "yarn start" in the CRA-project it will look into your node_modules folder for a library build. There should be a symlink to your ui-lib-project folder, but the package.json of the UI-lib only tells the "outside world" where to find the main javascript and typescript-files that you've built, not the content of its /src-folder:
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"module": "./lib-esm/index.js",
"types": "./lib/index.d.ts",