DEV Community

Shubham Poddar
Shubham Poddar

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Level Up: Expanding Your Horizons Beyond React.js as a Frontend Developer

For freshers aiming to build a career as a frontend developer, it's crucial not to limit yourself to just React.js. In today's competitive job market, securing a position as a React.js developer alone has become increasingly challenging. To stand out, it's essential to broaden your skill set to include other technologies such as Node.js, MongoDB, and databases like SQL or NoSQL. Additionally, having a foundational understanding of deployment processes, Docker, cloud services, and CI/CD pipelines is becoming increasingly important. While this may sound overwhelming—almost like the responsibilities of an entire IT department—it reflects the current industry expectations, especially for those struggling to land their first job. I'm not here to discourage you, but rather to provide insight into the realities of the job market. In today's landscape, relying solely on React.js is no longer enough.

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