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shweta naik
shweta naik

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Spring Modulith: Modularization of a monolithic application

  • Modular Monolith is an architectural style where our source code is structured on the concept of modules
  • A monolithic application is broken up into distinct modules while still maintaining a single codebase and deployment.

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Application module dependencies: Other modules should not access internal implementation components.
Application Events: To keep application modules as decoupled as possible from each other, their primary means of interaction should be event publication and consumption.
Integration Testing Application Module: Allows to run integration tests bootstrapping individual application modules in isolation or combination with others
Documentation: Can create documentation snippets in Asciidoc. Can produce C4 and UML component diagrams describing the relationships between the individual application modules.

Advantages of Spring Modulith
Improved Maintainability: Modular architecture promotes cleaner code, simplifies understanding, and facilitates easier maintenance as the application grows.
Enhanced Testability: Well-defined modules enable developers to write more focused and isolated unit and integration tests, leading to higher code quality.
Scalability: While not as horizontally scalable as microservices, Spring Modulith allows for vertical scaling by adding more resources to the application server.
Faster Development: Compared to the complexity of managing multiple services in microservices architecture, Spring Modulith offers a streamlined development process with a single codebase and deployment.
Reduced Complexity: For applications with tightly coupled functionalities that interact frequently, a single codebase in Spring Modulith can be more efficient.

Further Reading
Spring Doc

*Spring Modulith vs Microservices: *

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