Whether you are building an API or writing tests for features that process massive datasets, meaningful test data is always a necessity. How do we fill this need? Faker is the answer.
What is Faker?
Faker is a library that can be used to generates a humongous amount of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser. It is also available in a variety of other languages such as Python, Perl, Ruby, and C#. This article, however, will focus entirely on the Node.js flavor of Faker.
You can see a live demonstration of faker here.
Generating Data using Faker
Let's consider a use case where we want to store personal information in a CSV file with the following fields:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Address(City, State, Zip Code, Country)
- Phone Number
And we need 100,000 such records (meaningful). Stop for a moment and think how would you have generated this? This is where Faker comes into play.
Generating CSV Datasets
Initialize your node project and Install faker:
npm i faker
Include the dependencies in your project.
const faker = require('faker');
const fs = require('fs');
const _ = require('lodash');
Define your headers for CSV based on the schema:
//define the headers of your csv file.
//define the object literal that would store the functions for each index
//faker generates new data for every call
let csvHeaders = {
FIRST_NAME: faker.name.firstName(),
LAST_NAME: faker.name.lastName(),
STREET_ADDRESS: faker.address.streetAddress(),
CITY: faker.address.city(),
STATE: faker.address.state(),
ZIP_CODE: faker.address.zipCode(),
COUNTRY: faker.address.country(),
VOICE_NUMBER: faker.phone.phoneNumber(),
EMAIL_ADDRESS: faker.internet.email(),
I am using streams, given we are writing input into output sequentially.
// open write stream
let stream = fs.createWriteStream("huge-csv.csv");
// write the header line.
stream.write(Object.keys(csvHeaders).toString()+ "\n");
Create the 100,000 record CSV file.
//write the body
let csvBody = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
_.forEach(csvHeaders, function(value, key){
//console.log(csvBody.toString(), 'CSV BODY');
stream.write(csvBody.toString()+ "\n");
csvBody = [];
// close the stream
Generating JSON Datasets
The process of generating the JSON file remains more or less the same with minor tweaks. I will leave that as an exercise. The code is available at my github repository.
Other Features and API Methods of Faker
I have only used a subset of the supported API methods in the above example. The faker.js can generate fake data for various other areas, including commerce, company, date, finance, image, random, etc.
const faker = require('faker');
# Jobs
let jobTitle = faker.name.jobTitle();
let jobArea = faker.name.jobArea();
# dates
let futureDate = faker.date.future();
let recentDate = faker.date.recent();
let weekday = faker.date.weekday();
# random values
let number = faker.random.number();
let uuid = faker.random.uuid();
let word = faker.random.word();
let words = faker.random.words(6);
# and so on...
You can even use it directly in the browser as well.
<script src = "faker.js" type = "text/javascript"></script>
var randomName = faker.name.findName(); // Caitlyn Kerluke
var randomEmail = faker.internet.email(); // Rusty@arne.info
var randomCard = faker.helpers.createCard(); // random contact card containing many properties
Fake data is extremely useful when building and testing our application and Faker can help us with that. For a complete list of supported APIs, visit this link. Have you used Faker? How was your experience?
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