DEV Community

Jouini Hamza
Jouini Hamza

Posted on

nestjs frustrating modules

i don't know why sometimes i get some errors in nest like "Nest can't resolve dependencies " while i provided the dependencies in the modules chez this is frustrating nonsense bugs

imports: [
MongooseModule.forFeature([{ name:, schema: NotificationSchema },{ name:, schema: EventSchema }]) ,
forwardRef(() => UserModule ), <-- exported the userservice
forwardRef(() => AuthModule ),
exports: [NotificationService],
providers: [NotificationGateway, NotificationService]

and yet nest tells me that it can't resolve userservice

Top comments (3)

jmcdo29 profile image
Jay McDoniel

If I had to bet, you don't have @Inject(forwardRef(() => UserService)) in your service. Without the full error and the constructor though, couldn't say. There are more docs on common errors that you may find useful

xfchris profile image

go back to Adonis.js :'D :'D :'D

sihamza profile image
Jouini Hamza

and use knex.js as ORM hell now xD